Five American teenagers were officially named the 2018 National Student Poets on Thursday at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. The award is the highest honor for young poets in the United States.
The new class of poets include Alaxandra Contreras-Montesano, Heather Laurel Jensen, Darius Atefat-Peckham, Ariana Smith and Daniel Blokh. The students represent states from all over the country: Vermont, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Alabama.
The teenagers were first chosen in August from among thousands of award-winning young poets in the United States.
Virginia McEnery leads the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, which plays a part in choosing the national student poets. She says poetry is powerful because it is open to everyone.
It's so democratic, you don't need more than a pencil and piece of paper. It's a really good access point for young people.
McEnery says she hopes the national student poet program will support the winners not only as writers, but as activists. Many of the student poets have already held literary leadership positions, McEnery said.
For many of them, they are already on the youth advisory council for their library or they're running the literary magazine for their school or one of them is actually very involved in running the scholastic awards program for her state.
As national student poets, the five young people will give presentations, performances and training on poetry and literature. They will also promote the services of libraries and museums, and volunteer in their communities.
In addition, each poet will receive a $5,000 academic award and the opportunity to learn from poet and teacher Glenis Redmond. And, they will meet with Tracy K. Smith, the current poet laureate for the United States.
McEnery says she has seen for herself how programs to support students' creative expression can change young people's lives.
It's such a hard time to be a teenager, social movements are happening in real time as they are coming of age. What better, smarter, saner thing can a young person do than try to write about it?
I'm Phil Dierking.
1. meet with 与……会面
Will Chinese officials meet with him?
2. come of age 成熟,成年
Media streaming will come of age.
流媒体将步入成熟 。
3. in addition 此外,另外
In addition, you can elect to share your files with others.
另外,您可以决定与其他的用户共享 您的文件 。
4. play a part 扮演角色,发挥作用
But today's euro crisis will play a part, if only to speed up a return to accelerating growth in the developing world.
但是,当前欧元危机如果能够加速恢复,将会在促进世界经济增长中扮演一个加速器的角色 。
这一届获奖的诗人有:孔特勒拉、希瑟、佩卡姆、阿里亚娜和丹尼尔 。这些学生来自不同的州,即佛蒙特州、亚利桑那州、密歇根州、内华达州和阿拉巴马州 。
他们首次当选是在8月,竞选者浩如烟海,都是获过奖的美国青年诗人 。
弗吉尼亚曾荣获美国艺术与写作大赛冠军,这种大奖是本次遴选国家学生诗人的关键因素 。弗吉尼亚表示,诗歌力量强大,每个人都可以拥有 。
诗歌是如此民主,创作诗歌不过需要纸币而已 。这是年轻人很好的切入点 。
麦克埃内里表示自己希望全国学生诗人的奖项不仅能为作家设置奖项,还能为活动价设置奖项 。很多学生诗人已经在文学方面有过耀眼的成就了,麦克埃内里如是说道 。
他们中的很多人已经凭借自己的学富五车而成为全国青年顾问委员会的成员,再不就是为母校经营着文学杂志 。其中有一名学生实际上已经为自己所在州经营的诸多学术奖项做出了深入的贡献 。
荣获了全国学生诗人的奖项后,这5位年轻人将进行演讲、表演,并提供诗歌和文学方面的培训 。他们还将提升图书馆、博物馆的服务,并为自己的社区做志愿者 。
此外,每位获奖诗人还将荣获一笔5000美元的学术奖金,还有机会从师于诗人兼教师格莉娜斯 雷德蒙(Glenis Redmond) 。他们还将与特蕾西 史密斯(Tracy K. Smith)会见,史密斯是美国的桂冠诗人 。
麦克埃内里表示,自己曾亲眼见证支持学生创造表达的项目可以如何改变他们的一生 。
境况艰难,做年轻人不易,社会每时每刻都在发生改变,而他们也在这改变中成年 。写下这一切对于年轻人来说当属最好、最明智、最理智的方式 。
菲尔 德尔金(Phil Dierking)为您播报 。