Liberian Radio Stations Play Girl’s Song About COVID-19
The voice is strong, and the words are sung with purpose: "Let's protect ourselves to save our family and our country; let's stop the public gatherings."
The singer? She is nine-year-old Joselia Kollie.
Her song can be heard on Liberian radio stations. And health officials are praising her efforts.
Joselia said she wanted to do her part to stop the spread of COVID-19 because "whenever bad things happen, we, the children, will always suffer."
Liberia is still rebuilding its public health system after battling Ebola Virus Disease. The Ebola epidemic killed 4,810 people between 2014 and 2016.
Joselia Kollie lives in Gbarnga, Liberia, 180 kilometers from the capital of Monrovia.
She told The Associated Press "I believe this song will help fight the virus because the song says prevention. We need to prevent ourselves from coronavirus by washing our hands, not shaking hands and not sneezing on one another," she said.
Joselia began singing at the age of three. She recently told her mother she wanted to do a song about fighting coronavirus.
"God called her to (do) certain things and she wants to fulfill her destiny," said Amanda T. Kollie, herself a gospel singer.
Her mother helped her write the song, which was recorded in a local production house and then sent out to radio stations.
The song makes Liberians remember how much the country has been through.
"Some years back, we suffered from a civil war, we suffered from Ebola that took away many lives," she sings. "This time around, it's coronavirus - coronavirus is so terrible."
Joselia has already done a lot in her young life. She was just six when her parents helped her set up a group to help friends stay in school when their families faced financial difficulties. The aid group, Build My Future Foundation, is now helping five girls and two boys in rural Liberia.
Francis Kateh is Liberia's top doctor and a leader in the battle against COVID-19. The chief medical officer said he was "overwhelmed with gratitude" for Joselia's effort. Long-time radio presenter and reporter Patrick Okai also offered high praise for the girl's song.
"The message is powerful" he said, "especially with the chorus line that says, ‘prevention is better than cure.'"
I'm Bryan Lynn.
1.public health 公共安全
The fund is earmarked for public health services.
这笔钱是专为保健事业用的 。
2.set up 建立
I set up a ginger group on the environment.
我建立了一个积极从事环保的组织 。
3.civil war 内战
The years of civil war have dehumanized all of us.
连年内战剥夺了我们所有人的人性 。
4.radio stations 无线电台
Most local radio stations are privately-owned.
大多数地方电台为私人所有 。
5.Her mother helped her write the song, which was recorded in a local production house and then sent out to radio stations.
sent out to 打算;着手
The lifeboat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.
派出了救生艇去营救沉船上的船员 。
Two men were sent out to scout the enemy's movements.
两个战士被派出去侦察敌情 。
6."Some years back, we suffered from a civil war, we suffered from Ebola that took away many lives," she sings.
take away 带走
Soldiers took away four people one of whom was later released.
士兵们抓走4个人,其中1个随后被放了回来 。
Take away these teacups.
把这些茶杯拿走 。
歌声铿锵有力,歌词目的明确:“保护自己,守护家园,保卫国家;不扎堆,不聚集 。”
这位歌手是谁?她就是9岁的乔瑟里雅·科里(Joselia Kollie) 。
利比里亚广播电台播放了她的歌曲 。卫生官员赞扬了她的努力 。
乔瑟里雅表示,她希望尽微薄之力来阻止新冠病毒的传播,因为“无论什么时候发生不好的事情,作为儿童,我们永远是受苦的一方 。”
在对抗埃博拉病毒后,利比里亚仍在重建其公共卫生系统 。2014年至2016年,埃博拉疫情造成4810人死亡 。
乔瑟里雅住在利比里亚的邦加(Gbarnga),距首都蒙罗维亚180公里 。
她告诉美联社:“我相信这首歌将有助于对抗新冠病毒,因为这首歌讲的是预防措施 。我们要勤洗手,不握手,不对着人打喷嚏来预防冠状病毒,”她说道 。
乔瑟里雅三岁开始唱歌 。她最近告诉她的母亲,她想创作一首关于抗击冠状病毒的歌曲 。
“上帝召唤她去做一些事情,而她也想完成自己的使命,”福音歌手阿曼达·t·科利(Amanda T. Kollie)说道 。
在母亲的帮助下,她完成了这首歌,这首歌在当地一家制作公司录制,然后被发送至广播电台 。
这首歌让利比里亚人回想起这个国家所经历的一切 。
她唱道,“数年前,我们遭遇过内战,还经历了夺去许多生命的埃博拉疫情” 。“这次的是冠状病毒,非常可怕 。”
乔瑟里雅虽年幼,但已经“小有所成” 。六岁时,她的父母帮她成立了一个小组织,帮助那些家庭面临经济困难的朋友们继续上学 。这个名为“建立我的未来基金”的援助组织目前正在利比里亚农村地区帮助5名女孩和2名男孩 。
弗朗西斯·卡特(Francis Kateh)是利比里亚的首席医生,也是抗击新冠肺炎的领导者 。这位首席医疗官表示,他对乔瑟里雅的努力“感激不尽” 。资深电台主持人兼记者Patrick Okai也对这首歌给予了高度评价 。
他说:“(歌词)传达的信息强而有力,特别是其中一句歌词,‘预防胜于治疗’ 。”
布莱恩·林恩为您播报 。