What sort of change remainsto be seen.
奥夫拉多尔将带来何种变革仍有待观察 。
The biography that beguiles his supporters is replete with danger signals.
其履历令支持者着迷,但却充满危险的信号 。
Time and again he has shown contempt for the law.
他屡次显示出对法律的轻蔑 。
He has urged people not to pay their electricity bills.
还敦促民众不要支付他们的电费 。
After he lost in 2006 his supporters proclaimed him the "legitimate president"
and blocked Mexico City's main street for weeks.
并封堵了墨西哥城主要街道长达数周 。
He has said that the courts should be an instrument of "popular sentiment".
他曾表示法庭应该是“民意”的工具 。
His supporters say he has matured,
and that his record as Mexico City's well-liked mayor from 2000 to 2005 shows that he was always pragmatic.
并且他在2000年至2005年担任墨西哥城市长期间深受爱戴,这样的记录说明他一直是个实效派 。
He has made his peace with NAFTA and no longer talks of reversing the energy reform.
他已与北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)讲和,亦不再谈论要推翻能源改革 。
He promises to run a disciplined budget, to respect the independence of the central bank and not to raise taxes.
他还承诺要严格实行预算方案、尊重央行的独立性,以及不会提高税收 。
Some of his ideas, like a nationwide apprenticeship programme, make sense.
他的某些想法,例如全国范围实行学徒制,有其合理性在 。
But he seems to have little idea how a modern economy or democracy works.
但奥夫拉多尔似乎对现代经济或民主是如何运行甚无概念 。
He disparages independent institutions, such as the supreme court.
他蔑视最高法院之类的独立机构 。
He talks of making Mexico self-sufficient in food and of building oil refineries, which are unlikely to make business sense.
他谈论墨西哥粮食自给和建炼油厂,但这些措施不具经济合理性 。
His ideas are simplistic.
他的想法过分简单化 。
He wants to halve the salaries of senior officials, including the president,
and to subject himself to a recall referendum every two years.
自己接受每两年一次的罢免公投 。
Though personally clean, he has formed alliances with politicians who are anything but.
尽管他个人是清廉的,但与之结盟的政客却完全不是 。
He denounces Mr Pena's education reform, which offers poor children a chance of a brighter future.
他公开批评皮亚诺的教育改革,而改革其实为贫困儿童提供了迈向更光明前途的机会 。
Yes, Mr López Obrador has reinvented himself, but as a bundle of contradictions.
是的,洛佩斯·奥布拉多尔的确已经改头换面了,但却成为了一堆矛盾的集合体 。
That makes his presidency a risky experiment.
上述因素使得奥夫拉多尔当选总统将成为一个高风险的实验 。
The financial markets might tame a López Obrador government.
But a congressional majority for his party might equally encourage radicalism.
但其党派在议会占多数同样可鼓动激进主义 。
It might go well if, say, he curbs corruption or stands up to America over trade.
事情也许能进展顺利,如果他能控制住贪腐,或是在贸易问题上顶住美国的压力 。
More likely, progress will remain elusive.
但更可能,前行举步维艰 。
Mexico cannot stop graft without the institutions Mr López Obrador scorns.
墨西哥如果没有洛佩斯·奥夫拉多尔嗤之以鼻的各项机构,将无法阻止贪污腐败行为 。
And with protectionists at the helm in its two biggest member-states, NAFTA could well collapse.
而随着北美自由贸易协定两个最大成员国都由贸易保护主义者掌权,北美自由贸易协定也很有可能崩溃 。
That would further poison relations with the United States,
possibly imperilling co-operation overdrugs and immigration.
有可能危及双方在打击毒品犯罪和非法移民方面的合作 。
We worry about Mr López Obrador's presidency,
but wish him luck. If he fails, worse may follow.
但也祝他好运 。如果他竞选失败,更糟糕的事情或会接踵而至 。
译文由可可原创,仅供学习交流使用,未经许可请勿转载 。
1.contempt for 蔑视
He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle.
他对自己直系亲属以外的人都心怀蔑视 。
2.self-sufficient 自给自足的
This enabled the country to become self-sufficient in sugar.
这使得该国在食糖方面变得自给自足了 。
3.subject to 使遭受
The man had subjected her to four years of beatings and abuse.
那个男人使她遭受了4年殴打和辱骂 。
4.stand up (主张、证据等) 经得起检验
He made wild accusations that did not stand up.
他作出了经不起检验的无端的指控 。