10.30: Time to dial into editorial meeting. Realise cannot find phone number or meeting code. Send email to colleague who returns a WhatsApp message with the answer. But as that arrives on the phone needed to dial in. Hunt for pen and paper to write down the numbers.
10.30:该开编辑会议了 。发现找不到电话号码或会议代码 。给一位同事发邮件,他会在WhatsApp上回复 。但收到消息后还需要拨打电话 。找笔和纸把数字写下来 。
10.35: Finally get through to meeting. Wonder about etiquette for conference calls taken at home. Is it ok to put the kettle on? Eat a biscuit?
10.35:终于开会了 。想知道在家里进行电话会议的礼仪 。把水壶放在上面可以吗?吃一块饼干呢?
10.45: Try to contribute. Realise phone is on mute. After two minutes, work out how to unmute phone. Discussion has moved on. Mute again to avoid embarrassment. Reflect that listening to meeting in which one does not contribute is akin to watching a play performed in a foreign language. Start to miss regular meetings, a concept previously beyond imagination.
10.45:努力做些贡献 。两分钟后,想办法让手机静音 。讨论继续进行 。再次静音,避免尴尬 。反思一下,听一个人没有贡献的会议就像看一个用外语表演的戏剧 。开始想象常规会议,这是一个以前无法想象的概念 。
11.15: Go for stroll. Have conversation with neighbour who stands a careful two yards away. Wonder whether, like medieval lepers, we will all eventually have to walk down street, ringing bell and shouting, “unclean!”
11.15:去散步 。与小心翼翼地站在两码外的邻居交谈 。不知道我们是否会像中世纪的麻风病人一样,最终不得不走在大街上,摇着铃铛大喊:“不干净!”
11.30: Return to house to find cat has sat on laptop, and accidentally opened a whole bunch of tabs and typed random letters. If cat does this long enough, could she write entire column?
11.30:回到家发现猫已经坐在笔记本电脑上了,一不小心打开了一大堆标签页并胡乱打了几个字母 。如果猫写的够长,她能写一整篇专栏吗?
11.45: Check Google calendar and find, after cancellations, there are no meetings left for the whole of 2020. Perhaps this is how it is going to be.
11.45:查看谷歌日历,发现会议取消,整个2020年都没有会议了 。
11.59: Think of virus-related joke.
11.59:想想关于病毒的笑话 。
Noon: Tweet the joke.
中午:在推特上发布这个笑话 。
12.01: Realise quip was in terrible taste and hurriedly delete it.
12.01:意识到这句俏皮话很难听,赶紧把它删掉 。
12:15: Lunch dilemma. Eat perishable food before it goes off or non-perishable food which could be out of stock in the supermarket? Settle for ice cream on the grounds that should never have bought it in the first place. Start to watch tv detective series for a few minutes as deserved mental break.
12:15:午餐困境 。在易腐食品变质前食用,或者超市里可能脱销的不易腐食品?就吃一开始就不应该买的冰激凌吧 。开始看几分钟电视侦探连续剧,作为应得的精神放松 。
1.30: Suddenly realise the time as detective show ends. Turn off tv.
1.30:侦探节目结束的时候忽然意识到时间 。关掉电视 。
1.45: Inbox now consists of pitches from two types of PR people. One group wants to highlight products that will make home-working easier and would make great column. The other lot wants to know whether The Economist would like to publish an article from their chief executive praising their own company. Hit delete button multiple times.
1.45:收件箱现在由两类公关人员的推销信息组成 。一个小组想要突出产品,使家庭工作更容易,将成为伟大的专栏 。另一群人想知道《经济学人》是否愿意发表一篇他们的首席执行官赞扬他们公司的文章 。多次点击删除按钮 。
2.30: Think about working in Starbucks as a break from the kitchen table. Remember that Starbucks and every other coffee chain has now closed for business indefinitely.
2.30:可以把在星巴克工作看作是离开餐桌的休息 。请记住,星巴克和其他咖啡连锁店现在已经无限期关闭 。
4.00: Consider writing column that is not virus-related but worry it might seem otherworldly. Conduct search of internet for topic that is virus-related but at the same time vaguely cheerful.
4.00:可以考虑写一个与病毒无关的专栏,但要担心这可能会让人觉得像是来自另一个世界 。在互联网上搜索与病毒相关的话题,同时也能找到一些模糊的快乐 。
5.00: Wonder whether the business editor would accept a column based on a homeworker’s diary. Estimate the odds to be rather long.
5.00:不知道商业编辑是否会接受一个基于家庭工作者日记的专栏 。估计机会相当渺茫 。
译文由可可原创,仅供学习交流使用,未经许可请勿转载 。
1. head for 朝...进发
In the winter I head for the mall.
在冬日里,我前往这个购物商场 。
2. pick up 拾起
He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.