Diary of a home worker
The challenges of concentrating during a lockdown
Morning: wake up at 7am. Listen to radio news full of government restrictions, disease numbers and tales of economic decline. Stop on the way to shower to wake up teenage daughter so she can get ready for school. Daughter tersely points out that her school has been closed for days.
早上:早上7点醒来 。收听充满政府限制、疾病数字和经济衰退故事的广播新闻 。在洗澡的路上停下来叫醒十几岁的女儿,这样她就可以准备上学了 。
7.20: Breakfast is tricky decision. Is the family closer to running out of milk and cereal, or bread? Realise that cat has only two food sachets left.
7.20:早餐是个棘手的决定 。一家子的牛奶、麦片或面包快吃完了吗?猫只剩下两袋食物了 。
7.30: Email inbox consists almost entirely of companies explaining how they are coping with the pandemic. This includes every hotel and restaurant that ever took an online booking.
7.30:电子邮件收件箱里几乎全是公司在解释他们是如何应对疫情的 。这包括每一家酒店和餐馆的网上预订 。
8.00: Head for supermarket to pick up extra cat food. Shelves resemble scene from zombie apocalypse. Purchase tub of ice cream on grounds that virus poses-bigger threat to health than obesity does.
8.00:去超市买额外的猫食 。货架类似于《僵尸启示录》中的场景 。购买一桶冰淇淋的理由是,病毒对健康的威胁比肥胖更大 。
8.30: Attempt to read company’s disaster recovery policy. Hitherto had been more likely to pick up a newly discovered novel by Ayn Rand. Can’t make head nor tail of it. Beg daughter for help as she has actually heard of these apps. Think wistfully of the days when journalism involved a typewriter, carbon paper and the telephone directory.
8.30:尝试阅读公司的灾难恢复策略 。迄今为止,他更有可能拿起新发现艾茵·兰德所著的长篇小说 。弄不明白灾难恢复策略 。请女儿帮忙,因为她确实听说过这些应用程序 。怀念旧日,那时新闻工作还用得上打字机、复写纸和电话簿 。
8.50: Look at academic paper in the hope it will provide column idea. Give up when the abstract turns out to be too, er, abstract. Wish that vital books were not left in the office, seven miles away.
8.50:看看学术论文,希望它能提供专栏的想法 。当抽象变得太抽象时,放弃 。但愿那些重要的书没有被留在七英里外的办公室里 。
9.00: Check Twitter and news websites for virus developments on grounds this is “research”. Disappear down rabbit hole for 45 minutes.
9.00:浏览Twitter和新闻网站上的病毒蔓延情况,理由是这是“研究” 。 消失在兔子洞45分钟 。
9.45: Cough briefly. As paranoia sets in, check temperature. All fine but then second thought: what if thermometer is broken? To be safe, wash hands while singing all of “Bohemian Rhapsody”.
9.45:短暂地咳嗽 。怀着恐惧疑虑,检查体温 。一切正常,但转念一想:如果温度计坏了怎么办?为了安全起见,唱《波希米亚狂想曲》时要洗手 。
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