Samsung's promise to add 40,000 new jobs over the next three years, which it claims may generate a further 700,000 in the wider economy,
looks like a response to calls by South Korea's president, Moon Jae-in, for businesses to boost growth and create a fairer society.
这一承诺像是对韩国总统文在寅要求企业促进经济增长、创造更加公平社会所做出的回应 。
Unemployment is up and growth prospects have dimmed since Mr Moon's election a year ago.
自文在寅总统一年前当选以来,失业率在上升,经济增长前景黯淡无光 。
His approval ratings, buoyed to 83% in May thanks to a detente with North Korea, have sunk to 56%.
五月,由于与朝鲜关系的缓和,他的支持率为83%,但如今已降至56% 。
How much difference to the economy Samsung's plan will make in practice is debatable.
三星的计划会对经济有哪些实际影响还存在争议 。
Of the jobs the group says it will create directly, some may already exist:
Samsung said it would turn several thousand subcontractors into employees.
三星表示将把千名承包商变为自己的员工 。
It has offered no details on how its investments would translate into the other jobs, let alone the 700,000 indirect ones.
如何将投资转化成其他工作,该公司并未透露细节,更别提那70万份间接创造出的工作了 。
The government's own economy-wide target for job creation this year is 180,000.
政府今年提供就业的经济系统目标是18万 。
Like other chaebol, Samsung has begun to unwind its opaque cross-shareholdings,
under pressure from the government to increase transparency and strengthen share-holder rights.
三星已经开始放松其复杂的交叉持股 。
But Mr Lee retains control of the firm, despite a conviction for bribery a year ago.
但是李在镕仍掌控公司,虽然一年前他贪污受贿 。
His prison sentence was suspended in February; he denies the charges and has appealed against his conviction.
他今年二月出狱;他否认这些指控并且已进行上诉 。
A month before his meeting with Mr Kim, the finance minister, at a factory outside Seoul,
he had briefly appeared alongside Mr Moon at the opening ceremony of a new mobile-phone factory in India.
而一个月前,在印度一家新手机工厂开幕典礼上,他曾短暂出现在文在寅总统身侧 。
That was Mr Lee's first semi-public appearance after his release from prison. Samsung's splashy investment plan may make business sense.
这是他出狱后,第一次半公开露面 。三星耀眼的投资计划或许是有商业意义的 。
It can't hurt the rehabilitation of Mr Lee or his company, either.
这也不会损害李在镕或三星的复兴 。
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1.boost 促进
Lower interest rates can boost the economy by reducing borrowing costs for consumers and businesses.
低利率可以通过为消费者和商家降低借贷成本来促进经济发展 。
Their economic prospects have dimmed.
他们的经济前景变得暗淡了 。
3.in practice 实际上
This is certainly a theoretical risk but in practice there is seldom a problem
从理论上讲,这肯定是有风险的,可是实际上很少出问题 。
4.let alone 更不必说
He did not have enough money to have the tire patched up, let alone buy a new one.
他的钱还不够补这个轮胎,更别提买个新的了 。