Open-plan offices are particularly bad at providing an environment for calm, creative work, they argue. So "library rules" are imposed at Basecamp.
尤其是敞开式的办公室,更难为创造性工作提供一个安静的环境,他们争论到 。因此,Basecamp强制实施图书馆制度 。
Conversations are kept to a whisper and there are separate rooms when meetings are needed.
交流对话要压低声音,需要开会的时候,也有单独的房间 。
Meetings are avoided, especially those involving lots of people.
公司要避免会议,尤其是那些涉及很多人的会议 。
As the authors rightly point out: "Eight people in a room doesn't cost one hour, it costs eight hours".
两位作者适时指出:“房间里8个人浪费的不是一个小时,而是八个小时 。”
Workers do not need to be kept abreast of every single corporate development via memos or all-staff emails.
员工们不需要通过会议纪要或全员邮件了解公司的每个最新发展 。
The firm encourages JOMO, the "joy of missing out", so employees can concentrate on their own work projects.
公司鼓励JOMO,即“错过的乐趣”,这样员工们可以专注于他们自己的工作项目 。
Another way to reduce stress is to avoid turning deadlines into "dreadlines"—
unrealistic targets for project completions accompanied by ever-changing requirements.
不现实的项目截止目标伴随而来的是变化无常的要求 。
"Goals are fake," the authors write. In their telling, made-up numbers function as a source of unnecessary stress until they are either achieved or abandoned.
“目标是假的”,作者们写到 。在他们的叙述中,捏造的数字是不必要压力的源头,除非要么实现这些数字,要么放弃 。
Nor should workers demand that their colleagues deal with a query straight away.
员工们也不应该要求他们的同事立即处理某个问题 。
In almost every situation, the expectation of an immediate response is unrealistic.
在几乎每种情况中,对立即回应的期待都是不现实的 。
Allowing workers more time means they can come up with a more considered and helpful answer.
给员工们更多时间意味着他们可以想出一个更加深思熟虑且更有帮助的方法 。
The overall aim of the firm should be couched in modest terms. Too many businesses talk about "changing the world" and becoming a "disrupter".
公司的全面目标应该用适度的方式表达 。有太多的公司说要“改变世界”并成为一名“颠覆者” 。
Such aims are far too grandiose and put everyone under too much pressure. As a manager, if you set out to do a good job for your customers,
这样的目标太过浮夸,也将每个人都置于巨大的压力之下 。作为一名管理者,如果你要做好客户给的工作,
and to treaty our employees fairly, things will probably turn out fine.
并和你的员工公平谈判,那么事情将会取得好的结果 。
In short, the book aims to persuade managers to take their "mission" less seriously and to take their employees more so.
总之,本书旨在说服管理者不要把他们的“任务”看的太重要,而要重视自己的员工 。
Furthermore, executives should stop equating the work ethic with the practice of working long hours. Work should not be frantic.
此外,高管们应该停止将职业道德和工作时长划等号 。工作不应该是疯狂的 。
A calm company can be good for employees and very profitable as well.
安静的公司对员工是有利的,也是非常有利可图的 。
Whether or not it is as nice to work at Basecamp as the authors make it sound is hard to tell from the outside.
在Basecamp工作是否真如两位作者所说的那么美妙,很难从表面判断出来 。
It was voted one of America's best small companies in 2017 by Forbes, a magazine. It helps that the group is private and has no activist investors to please.
该公司被《福布斯》杂志选为2017年美国最佳小型企业之一 。该公司属于私营企业,无需取悦积极投资者,这一点对公司也有帮助 。
Some of its practices might not be possible at a giant, listed firm. But a lot more executives ought to reflect on its message.
该公司所践行一些政策不可能在大型上市公司中执行 。但管理层应该将这些反映在其传达的信息中 。
A relaxed ethos in the office might work better in the long run than the hard-charging approach that, at the moment, is all too common.
从长远角度来看,办公室中的轻松理念或许比当下公司普遍采用的积极进取政策更有效 。
译文由可可原创,仅供学习交流使用,未经许可请勿转载 。
1.Open-plan 敞开式的(室内空间)
The firm's top managers share the same open-plan office.
公司的高层管理者们共用同一个没有隔间的办公室 。
2.impose 强制实行
Fines are imposed on retailers who sell tobacco to minors.
向未成年人销售烟草制品的零售商要被强制罚款 。
3.concentrate on 集中精力于;全神贯注于
I am leaving to concentrate on writing fiction.
我辞职是为了专心写小说 。
4.ever-changing 千变万化的;常变的
Today's kids live in an ever-changing and insecure world.
如今的孩子生活在一个不断变化和不安全的世界中 。