Although a duchess she dressed poorly, she went barefoot, even in the snow, where it was reported that she left bloody footprints, and, almost unheard of in those days, she drank only water.
虽然贵为公爵夫人,她穿着极为简朴,常常赤脚,即使是行走在雪地里 。据说,她曾在雪地里留下连串带血的足迹 。她只饮用水 。
This teetotal behaviour worried her husband a good deal; drinking wine was much safer than water that was usually unclean, and he was worried that she would fall ill or fade away.
这种滴酒不沾的行为在当时简直是闻所未闻,也让她的丈夫极为担忧,怕妻子会因此患病:其时人们常以酒代水,因为水总是不够洁净,酒相对安全一些 。
But one day, so the legend goes, the Duke watched her raise her glass of water to her lips, and saw that it miraculously turned into wine.
但有传言说,一天,公爵看到夫人端起水杯放在唇边时,杯里的水奇迹般地变成了酒 。
Her sainthood, and presumably her health, was pretty much assured from then on.
她的圣徒之名自此确立,健康也大概因此得到了保证 。
And so was the fame of her glass.
她使用的玻璃杯也声名远扬 。
Medieval Europe had an insatiable hunger for relics connected to miracles.
中欧人无止尽地渴望看到与宗教神迹相关的圣物 。
Among the most famous of them all was a cup which had been used at the Wedding at Cana, where Christ performed his first miracle of turning water into wine.
其中最著名的圣物之一便是据称曾在迦拿的婚礼上使用的杯子,基督用它第一次显示了奇迹,将清水变成了美酒 。
But what about Hedwig's cup?
海德薇的杯子继承了这一令人自豪的传统 。
I have it in my hand or, at least, I have in my hand one of the dozen or so glass beakers, all strikingly similar, which were identified by the pious as the vessels from which Hedwig had drunk.
我们所收藏的玻璃杯与其说是一个水杯,倒不如说更像是个小号的花瓶 。它是世上仅存的约十二个外观酷似的玻璃杯中的一个,这些杯子被虔诚的信徒认定曾为海德薇所使用 。
It's a thick glass, a smoky topaz colour, and it's about eight inches (20 cm) high, and it's really much more like a small vase.
You need two hands to grasp it, and it's not at all easy to drink out of.
需要用双手才能捧起,想用它喝水更是不易 。
If I put some water in to it, and then try to take a proper gulp, the rim is so wide that it spills.
如果往里面注水,再试着一口喝光,水会因杯沿太宽而洒出 。
And sadly, I have to tell you, that when I drink from this it does not turn into wine.
并且遗憾的是,水并没有变成酒 。
But a miracle of a different sort has ensured that a dozen or so vulnerable or fragile glass objects like this should all have survived the centuries intact.
不过它们承载着另一个奇迹:如此脆弱的玻璃制品,竟然能够历经千年的岁月,被完整无缺地保留至今 。