But the ship also contained gold coins from France, Celtic hanging bowls from the west of Britain, Imperial table silver from Byzantium, and garnets which may have come from India or Sri Lanka. And while ship burial is essentially pagan, two silver spoons clearly show contact-direct or indirect-with the Christian world.
但船里还有来自法国的金币、英格兰西部的凯尔特悬碗、拜占庭的宫廷银餐具和印度或斯里兰卡的石榴石 。尽管船葬仪式是属于异教的,但陪葬品中仍有两把银勺直接或间接地与基督教世界有关 。
These discoveries force us to think differently, not just about the Anglo-Saxons, but about Britain. For whatever may be the case for the Atlantic side of the country, on this side of the island, the East Anglian side, we have always been part of the wider European story, with contacts, trade and migrations going back thousands of years.
这些发现迫使我们改变对盎格魯-撒克逊及不列颠的看法 。不管这个国家大西洋一侧的情况如何,在东安格利亚这一侧,英国一直是更广阔的欧洲世界的一部分,贸易与人口迁徙已持续数千年 。
As I leave Sutton Hoo I'm struck by a paradox. I travelled here through Constable country-the landscape that's become for us all synonymous with Englishness. The Anglo-Saxon ship burial here takes us at once to the world of Beowulf, the foundation stone of English poetry. You can't help feeling that here you are near the heart of English national identity. Yet not a single one of the characters in Beowulf is actually English. They're Swedes and Danes, warriors from the whole of northern Europe, while the ship burial here contains treasures from the eastern Mediterranean and from India. The history of England that you can tell from these objects is a history of the sea as much as of the land. Of an England long connected to Europe and to Asia which, even in 600 AD, was being shaped and re-shaped by the world beyond itself.
正如希尼所言,这座盎格鲁-撒克逊船葬墓地让我们立刻想到《贝奥武甫》的世界 。它是英国诗歌的基石,但诗中没有一个人物是真正的英格兰人 。他们是瑞典人和丹麦人,是来自北欧的勇士,同时,萨顿胡船葬中的珍宝产地从东地中海一直延展到印度 。这些物品讲述的英国历史是陆地的历史,也是海洋的历史 。早在公元六百年,这个岛屿就与欧亚两洲建立了长期联系,海岸之外的世界一次次地塑造、影响着它 。