BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第29件:沃伦杯(1)
日期:2014-12-10 16:09





The Warren Cup is made of silver, it's a goblet, and it looks as though it would hold a pretty large glass of wine. It's in the shape of a small sporting trophy, standing on a small base, a bit wonkily now, and it would once have had two handles, although those are now lost. But you can see at once that this is a work of supreme craftsmanship. The scenes on the cup are in relief, and they've been created by beating out the silver from the inside. Given the subject-matter, it must have been used at private parties, but it would certainly have commanded the admiration and the attention of everybody present.
这件制作于两千年前的罗马银器是个看起来容量颇大的高脚酒杯Fsk=^uTbv[PjQ_O。形状就像一个底座很小的现代运动奖杯,它可能曾有两个把手,但现在已经丢了y6=WbGjsgLL*Z=5;[T。任何人都能 一眼看出它的工艺十分精美DS^L1&-ZZPiHoMVD));。酒杯上凸起的图案是靠敲打银杯内壁形成的f!aOxbuVdj!。它应该曾在私人宴会上使用,就其图案主题而言,想必会获得在场所有人的欣赏l[@27o,WdJTh69X#|5rH
Lavish eating and drinking was one of the key rituals of the Roman world which, two thousand years ago, ran from Spain to Syria. Throughout the Empire, Roman officials and local bigwigs would use banquets to oil the wheels of politics and business, and to show off wealth and status. Roman women were generally excluded from events such as the drinking parties where our cup would have been found, and I think we can assume that it was intended for an all-male guest list. So I'm afraid you'll have to imagine that you're a man, arriving at a grand villa near Jerusalem, somewhere around the year 10.
Slaves lead you through to an opulent dining area, where you recline with the other guests. The dining table is set with beautifully embellished silver platters and ornate vessels, and this is the context in which our cup would have been passed around among the guests. On it are shown two scenes of male love-making, set in a sumptuous private house. The lovers are depicted on draped couches similar to the ones that you, the guest, are lounging on. And you can see a lyre and pipes waiting to be played as the participants settle to their sensual pleasure. Here's Classical historian Bettany Hughes.




X6x)RyB~^JF*=WvMqJ once 立刻;马上;立即


He took off at once and headed back to the motel.


Remove from the heat, add the parsley, toss and serve at once.


2.such as 例如;诸如


Issues such as these were not really his concern.


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