When those bells were first played in the fifth century BC, China was in military and political disarray, essentially just a collection of competing fiefdoms, all battling for supremacy.
公元前一千五百年,当这口钟第一次被奏响时,中国正处于政治混乱、战火连绵的时期 。诸侯为争夺霸权,不断挑起战争 。
There was widespread social instability, but also lively intellectual debate about what a society ought ideally to be, and by far the most famous and influential contributor to these debates was Confucius.
社会普遍动荡不安,诸子百家为理想社会的形态争论不休 。而诸子中影响力最大、最有名的一位便是孔子 。
Perhaps not surprisingly, given the insecurity of the times, he places a very high value on peace and harmony.
他极为推崇和平与和谐,有鉴于当时动荡的社会背景,这恐怕并不令人惊讶 。
We're told that one of his celebrated sayings was: "Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without."
据说他曾说:“夫乐者,乐也,人情之所不能免也 。”
For Confucius, music was a metaphor of a harmonious society, and its performance could actually help bring that better society about.
对孔子来说,音乐是和谐社会的象征,可以让社会更美好 。
It's a view of the world that still resonates strongly in China today, and it brings us back to our bell.
这样的世界观在今天仍能得到中国人的热烈响应,也与本文中的铜钟故事紧密相连 。
political disarray 政治混乱
In reality, Gaddafi ensured political disarray and paralysis, in which only one person's opinion counted in all decisions: his.
实际上,卡扎菲确信利比亚政治上已经完全紊乱并陷入瘫痪境地,仅仅靠他驾驭在所有人决定之上的个人观念 。
Trapped in a chaotic muddle of famine, infectious diseases, social and political disarray with the national currency no longer in use, Zimbabweans seem to be in an irreversible plight.
现在又到了慈济地球村的时间了,要带大家认识全球慈济分支会 。饥荒、传染病,社会与政治分歧、一片混乱,货币已经停止使用,辛巴威人似乎陷入无可挽救的苦难中 。