BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第35件:鸠摩罗笈多王一世金币(8)
日期:2015-04-29 16:39
In short, Kumaragupta takes his place in the great Indian tradition inspired by Ashoka, the Buddhist king of six hundred years earlier. A tradition that sees the state as tolerant of many faiths, a tradition later embraced by the Islamic Mughal emperors, by the British, and by the founders of modern India.
简言之,600年前,信奉佛教的阿育王开启了对所有宗教一视同仁的伟大印度传统,鸠摩罗笈多王只是延续了这个传统 。而之后,信仰伊斯兰教的莫卧儿王朝君主、英国殖民统治者与现代印度的建国者们,都将这一传统继承了下来 。