BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第42件:洛泰尔一世水晶雕刻(3)
日期:2015-11-10 16:57



"Daniel did what Rumpole at the Old Bailey would do if he thought he was cross-examining witnesses who were telling lies. One has to say that in real life Daniel would have been extremely lucky to have been thought to have demolished the witnesses, and to demonstrate their dishonesty by asking them one question each, but the principle is quite clear, and Daniel was clearly a very skilful cross-examiner."




Each scene on the crystal is a masterpiece of miniature carving, and in every scene, the artist has still found space for a small text in Latin, explaining what is going on. In the final scene is the ringing phrase, "Et salvatus est sanguis innoxius in die illa" - "And that day, innocent blood was saved".


水晶上的每一幅场景都是微雕杰作,这位艺术家也留出了一定空间, 用拉丁文为它们分别配上相应的故事内容KS8XQbe@JQ-。最后—幕画面周围环绕着一句“Et salvatus est sanguis innoxius in die ilia",即“那一天,无辜的流血得以幸免”LH44^G]OJ|O0wF]V。正是在这幅图旁,我们找到了涉及洛泰尔国王名字的文字G%3e_Z^5+ONJIcb


The king who commissioned the Susannah Crystal was descended from one of the great figures of medieval Europe - Charlemagne. Around 800, Charlemagne, King of the Franks, had created an empire that covered most of western Europe, including northern Italy, western Germany and modern France. This was the largest state that western Europe had seen since the disintegration of the Roman Empire, and the stability and prosperity of Charlemagne's empire allowed a great flourishing of the arts in the years after 800. Our crystal is a magnificent example of this so-called Carolingian Renaissance. This is a jewel that has always been valued and, for most of its existence, it was in the abbey of Waulsort in modern Belgium, in the centre of Charlemagne's empire. It was certainly there in the twelfth century, when the abbey's chronicle clearly describes it.


下令制作苏撒拿水晶的国王,是中世纪欧洲赫赫有名的查理曼大帝的后代fe]W6Fl3av。公元八百年前后,法兰克国王查理曼大帝所缔造的帝国疆域几乎瘈括了整个西欧,包含意大利北部、德国西部与现代法国Pna8#-0,*)%]@y。它是自罗马帝国覆灭之后西欧最大的帝国s;SD4(S=KYB&~Li。查理曼大帝治下的社会繁荣稳定,使得接下来若干年内艺术发展欣欣向荣hFqpplyo9n91。水晶盘便是所谓“卡洛林文艺复兴” 的绝佳代表HFzEe+H3LD。这件珍品一直备受推崇q-A8FSnXdN3C(B!;。大部分时间它都被珍藏在查理曼帝国的中心,今比利时境内的沃尔索修道院内,至少我们知道,十二世纪时它的确藏于此院,因为修道院的编年史有记载);^wDl]RezU~_n7&Xd


  • disintegrationn. 瓦解
  • masterpiecen. 杰作
  • crystaln. 水晶,晶体 adj. 晶体的,透明的
  • demonstratevt. 示范,演示,证明 vi. 示威
  • innocentadj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • prosperityn. 繁荣,兴旺
  • miniaturen. 缩图,小画像 adj. 小型的
  • stabilityn. 稳定性,居于修道院
  • renaissancen. 文艺复兴,再生