BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第37件:辛顿圣玛丽肖像(6)
日期:2015-07-06 15:41



And what he did was to give tax privileges to Christian priests, to intervene in Christian disputes, to declare Christianity a legal religion, to give money to Christian churches, to start building Christian churches. So all of those actions together gave a great sort of fillip to Christianity."
And it was this fillip that must have given the owner of our villa the confidence to show us Christ looking out at us, full face, unequivocally a man of power. He wears the rich robes and the stylish hairdo that might well have been sported by the villa owner himself, but this is no local ruler and indeed no local god. The Chi Rho monogram makes it clear that what we're being shown is Jesus Christ. And there's a further clue to this man's true nature. On either side of Christ's head the artist has put pomegranates. Now, to any educated visitor, this would recall at once the myth of Persephone, carried off to the underworld, rescued by her mother, and brought back to the land of the living as a great allegory of the cycle of the seasons, of death and rebirth, of descent into hell and return to the light. By the inclusion of this simple fruit, the artist links Jesus to the pagan gods who'd also been gods of dying and returning; to Orpheus, who went to the underworld in search of Eurydice and returned, and to Bacchus who was similarly associated with resurrection.
正是这种鼓励使得别墅主人敢于向我们展示基督图像S^h]hQBTFxxd。图像上的基督正面直视着我们,明白地显示出这是位强有力的人物|C73SmKUYPP-xqP*。他所穿着的昂贵长袍和时髦的发型也许来自别墅主人,但这肯定不是一位当地统治者,也不是本土神祇OambeaZ&03lBif。戈符号表明了他的基督身份jXOZW(GivJp。此外还有另一个线索:艺术家在他头两侧各创作了一个石榴Nv@u)u65bD7@D。了解希腊神话的访客必然立刻就能 联想到神话中被带到冥府的珀耳塞福涅,她的母亲解救了她,让她重返人间,@CtKTYg]c6Fe;G。但由于她在冥府时吃了几粒石榴籽,因此每年都有一段时间必须在黑暗中度过je[7G~),;DS(&r*3N。她的这个神话是关于四季循环、死亡与重生、落人地府又重返光明世界的寓言故事D;a*J%sbj3v。艺术家用这一水果将耶稣与异教中同样死 而复生的神祇联系起来,比如曾往地府寻找欧律狄克的俄耳甫斯,以及同样与复活有关的酒神巴克科斯q#FDx9=--f#+(f2!
This Dorset Christ pulls together all the hopes of the ancient world, the deepest of all human hopes: that death is only part of a larger story that will culminate in abundance of life and even greater fruitfulness.
