BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第39件:阿卜杜勒马立克金币(3)
日期:2015-08-19 17:42



On the front, where a Byzantine coin would have had the emperor, it has a full-length figure of the Caliph, Abd al-Malik. And on the back, where the Byzantines would have put a cross, there is a column with a sphere at the top.
Al-Malik is shown full-figure, standing and bearded, wearing Arab robes and a Bedouin scarf headdress, with his hand resting on a sword at his waist. It's a fascinating image. It's a unique source for our knowledge of the dress and the regalia of the early caliphs, and it's probably the oldest known depiction of a Muslim. His pose is menacing, he looks as though he's about to draw his sword, and the lines below his waist are almost certainly meant to represent a whip. What we have is an image to inspire fear and respect, an image that makes it clear that the eastern Mediterranean now has a new faith, and a formidable new ruler. A letter from one of his governors echoes the image's implicit message:
阿卜杜勒马利克的全身像为站姿,他长须,着阿拉伯袍,戴贝都因式头巾,腰悬宝剑,一手搭在剑上Ql[2On4Ov=j7;9X[T6。这幅像十分精彩,是我们了解早 期哈里发服饰与王权象征的唯一途径WL@43*FI)N#U1。他威风凜凜,仿佛就要拔剑在手YDxa7Fi62!|IQT。 腰下的线条应代表着长鞭Exwsd]-oZm(!|。像的目的是要让人产生敬畏,表明地中海东部如今已有了新的信仰以及威严的新统治者-QsK!CrVZR!Jl7a。他手下某位官员的信函也应和了图像暗含的信息:
"It is Abd al-Malik, the commander of believers, a man with no weaknesses, from whom rebels can expect no indulgence! On the one who defies him falls his whip!"
He cuts an impressive awe-inspiring figure-although a less reverential source tells us that he had such appalling halitosis, that he was nicknamed the "fly-killer". But, bad breath or not, Abd al-Malik was the most important Muslim leader since Muhammad himself, because he transformed what might have been merely a string of ephemeral conquests into an abiding state, a state that would survive in one form or another until the end of the First World War.
Abd al-Malik was a new breed of Islamic leader. He had no personal memory of Muhammad, and he shrewdly saw how best to exploit the administrative traditions of earlier empires-especially Rome and Byzantium-in order to establish his own, as Professor Hugh Kennedy, of the School of Oriental and African Studies, explains.
阿卜杜勒马利克不同于以往的伊斯兰领袖m8Bv@QJ_A;MWeDAx.9。他没有亲身接触过穆罕默德aiji5,|72IXgBN^Xxz__。而且他狡猾地从早期帝国,尤其是罗马和拜占庭帝国的统治经 验中吸取了最好的传统来建立自己的国家Z)JK6o*R()cl%+N9!D1。伦敦亚非学院的休肯尼迪教授解释道S.^rZfXt)0LCR]ry
