BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第33件:银色霍克森胡椒瓶(3)
日期:2015-02-15 15:28
胡椒罐显然是富人所有,设计目的是为了增加生活乐趣 。夫人的脸部由白银制成,眼睛和嘴唇却使用了黄金,如遇烛光闪烁,它们就如同会动一般 。在萨福克的宴会上,它一定曾是话题焦点 。
Britain had become part of the Roman Empire in the year 43, so by the time of our pepper pot it had been a Roman province for over three hundred years. Native Britons and Romans had intermingled and inter-married and in England everyone did as the Romans did. Here's Roman trade expert, Roberta Tomber:
公元43年,英格兰成为罗马帝国的一部分 。因此到制作这个胡椒瓶的时期为止,英国已由罗马统治了三百余年 。本地的不列颠人与罗马人混居、通婚,所有人都釆用了罗马的风俗习惯 。罗马贸易专家罗伯 塔?汤伯描述道:
"When the Romans came to Britain they brought a lot of material culture, and a lot of habits, with them that made the people of Britain feel Roman, that they identified with the Roman culture. Wine was one of these, olive oil was another, and pepper would have been a more valuable one in this same sort of set of Romanitas."
罗马人来到不列颠时,带来了大量罗马的物品、文化以及社会习俗,让不列颠人感受并逐渐认同了罗马文化 。葡萄酒和橄榄油都来自罗马,而胡椒是这个系列中更为珍贵的物品 。
The Romans were seriously interested in food and slave chefs would man the kitchens to create great delicacies. A high-end Roman menu could include dormice sprinkled with honey and poppy seeds, followed by a whole wild boar being suckled by piglets made of cake, inside which were placed live thrushes. To finish, quince apples and pork, disguised as fowls and fish.
罗马人十分重视饮食 。掌管厨房的奴隶厨师长每天都要为他们准备大量佳肴 。一份高级菜单应该包括:洒有蜂蜜与罂粟籽的睡鼠,身下围着用蛋糕做的吸奶小猪、腹内填满活鸫鸟的整头野猪,以及作为结束的榅桲、苹果和伪装成鱼类或禽类的猪肉 。