Ashoka's political and moral philosophy-as he expressed it in his imperial inscriptions-initiated a tradition of religious tolerance, non-violent debate and a commitment to the idea of happiness which have animated Indian political philosophy ever since.
阿育王镌刻在石柱上的政治与道德哲学开启了宗教自由、非暴力抗争与追寻幸福的传统,影响了此后的印度政治理念 。
But-and it's a big but-his benevolent empire scarcely outlived him.
And that leaves us with the uncomfortable question of whether such high ideals can survive the realities of political power.
Nevertheless, this was a ruler who really did change the way that his subjects and their successors thought.
令但他的想法确实深切地影响了他的臣民及其后代 。
Ghandi was an admirer, as was Nehru, and Ashoka even today finds his way on to the currency-on all the Indian banknotes we see Gandhi facing the four lions of Ashoka's pillar.
甘地与尼赫鲁都是他的追随者 。有关他的信息甚至出现在了现代货币上 。印度的每一张钞票上都绘有甘地头像,面对着阿育王石柱上的四只狮子 。
The architects of Indian independence had him often in their mind. Here's Amartya Sen again:
这位印度独立的领导人一直敬仰着阿育王 。但阿马蒂亚森指出,
So that's one part-the duty of the ruler to do good to the world and to his subjects-that's the point that H. G. Wells picks up in locating Ashoka as a big figure in the history of the world.
But the one that the Indians particularly emphasised at the time of independence is his secularism and democracy in Ashokan thought.
在独立运动时期,印度人特别强调阿育王的民主与政教分离观念 。
But he is a big figure also in China, in Japan, in Korea, in Thailand, in Sri Lanka, and so he is also in that sense a pan-Asian figure.
此外,他在中国、日本、韩国、泰国和斯里兰卡都广受尊敬 。他是整个亚洲的偶像 。
In the next programme we are dealing with another inscription and another ruler closely linked with a religious system, but in this case the religion is now dead and the ruler is no longer of any consequence-indeed he never really was.
下一节我将介绍另一种碑文,以及另一位与宗教关系密切的统治者 。但那宗教现已消亡,这位统治者对后世也没有什么影响力—事实上, 他一直都只是一个无足轻重的君王 。
But the inscription is one of the most famous objects in the British Museum-and possibly in the world-because it's written on the Rosetta Stone.
但这块碑石却是整个大英博物馆, 乃至整个世界上最著名的文物之一 。
1.commitment to 恪守承诺
But what about the commitment to taxpayers?
But I do expect some commitment to reinforce coordination.
但我认为会做出一些承诺以加强协调 。
2.political power 政治权力;政治力
But he saw his political power dry up over night as people know very well that he'll be out of the picture soon.
但是,由于人们很清楚他不久就会成为局外人,所以他发现他的政治权力好像一夜之间就消失了 。
Everyone can be a victim: once you lose your footing in the political power struggle, the accusations of corruption and decadence are very likely to fall on you.
每个人都可能成为受害者:一旦你在政治权力斗争中没有立足点,贪污腐败堕落的指控就很可能降临到你头上 。