BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第9件:玛雅玉米神像(2)
日期:2014-05-04 16:16



Across the world, people began to identify particular plants that would provide them with food. In the Middle East-as we saw in the last programme-it was wheat and barley; in China millet and rice; in Papua New Guinea taro; and in Africa sorghum. And, as they did so, everywhere stories about gods emerged; gods of death and of rebirth, gods who would guarantee the cycle of the seasons and ensure the return of the crops, and gods-more importantly-that represent food itself. Today's object is myth-made material; a food god from Central America.
Here, in the heart of the British Museum, we have a god of maize. He's a bust, carved of limestone using a stone chisel and a basalt hammer, and the features are large, symmetrical, the eyes closed, the lips parted-as though this god is in communion with a different world, quietly meditating.
The arms are bent, the palms of the hands face outwards-one raised, one lower-giving an impression of serene power. The head of the god is covered with an enormous headdress in the shape of a stylised corn cob, and his hair is like the silky strands that line the inside of a cob of corn, inside the wrapping leaves.
Originally this statue would have sat with many other similar gods high up on a stepped pyramid-style temple in western Honduras. He was found in Copan, a major Mayan city and religious centre, whose monumental ruins you can still visit today. All of the temple's statues were commissioned by the Mayan ruler of the day, to adorn the magnificent temple that he built at Copan around AD 700. Between the head and the body you can very clearly see the join, and indeed the head looks rather too big for the body, because when the temple in Copan was destroyed, all the statues fell, and heads and bodies were pieced together, but whether this head and this body precisely belong together is actually not the key thing-because all these gods are about the central power, the central role, of maize to the local people.
Our statue of the maize god is obviously a comparative new boy; he's made as late as AD 700. But he comes at the end of a very long tradition; Central Americans had been worshipping him and his predecessors for thousands of years, and his mythic story mirrors the annual planting and harvesting of the corn on which all Central American civilisation depended.
Like the maize plant, the maize god is decapitated at harvest time, and is then reborn-fresh, young, and beautiful at the beginning of each new growing season. John Staller, anthropologist and author of the book Histories of Maize explains why the maize god was a common choice for rich and powerful patrons.


1.begin to 开始

Within minutes brain cells begin to die.

Nobody wants to watch your science projects blossom mold or begin to stink up the communal space.

2.cover with 用…遮盖住,用…填满

Cover with a primer; apply a primer to.

Estimation of winter wheat residue cover with hj-1b data.

3.choice for 选择

No, collaboration seems to be the word of choice for management experts and informed ceos alike. "

This is ultimately a choice for the member states.

  • sereneadj. 安详的,宁静的,平静的
  • residuen. 残渣,剩余,余数
  • collaborationn. 合作,通敌
  • moldn. 模子,模型,类型,模式,雏型,真菌,软土 vt.
  • guaranteen. 保证,保证书,担保,担保人,抵押品 vt. 保证,
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • chiseln. 凿子 v. 凿,雕 v. 欺骗
  • informedadj. 见多识广的 v. 通告,告发 vbl. 通告,
  • adornv. 装饰,佩戴
  • cobn. 雄天鹅;玉米穗轴;结实的矮脚马;[英]圆块 vt.