BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第8件:埃及彩绘陶牛(1)
日期:2014-04-16 11:59



Mention excavation in Egypt, and most of us immediately see ourselves entering Tutankhamun's tomb, discovering the hidden treasures of the pharaohs and at a stroke rewriting history. Aspiring archaeologists should be warned that this happens only very rarely.


Most archaeology is of course a slow dirty business, followed by even slower recording of what has been found. And the tone of archaeological reports has a deliberate, academic, almost clerical dryness, far removed from the riotous swagger of Indiana Jones.


In 1900, a member of the Egypt Exploration Society excavated a grave in southern Egypt. He soberly named his discovery Grave A23 and noted the contents:


'Body, male. Baton of clay painted in red stripes, with imitation mace-head of clay. Small red pottery box, four-sided, 9 inches x 6 inches. Leg bones of small animal. Pots and - stand of 4 clay cows.'

“遗体,男性。泥塑棍棒,表面涂有红色条纹,顶端是仿狼牙棒头。方型小陶盒,四面9英寸x 6英寸,内装:小动物脚骨。陶罐若干,站立式四牛泥塑模型一件。”

These four little clay cows are a long way from the glamour of the pharaohs, but you could argue that cows and what they represent have been far more important to human history. Babies have been reared on their milk, temples have been built to them, whole societies have been fed by them, economies have been built on them. Without cows there are no cowboys, and without cowboys no Wild West. Our world would have been a different and a duller place without the cow.



1. at a stroke


eg. At a stroke, we can reduce 10% of our carbon emissions into the atmosphere by making Sunday a low-carbon day and at the same time make ourselves healthier and happier.


eg. To force everyone to say what they have to say in 140 characters deals with the communications overload at a stroke.


2. followed by


eg. Undertaking conditioning and progressive increments of stress followed by deep restoration we can even expand our capacity for energy.


eg. The first is to get them into the classroom; the second is to secure access to higher education, followed by entry into and promotion within the labor market.


3. remove from


eg. Remove from oven; place on a rack and cool.


eg. Stir in sage and seasonings. Remove from heat and set aside.


  • recordingn. 录音 动词record的现在分词
  • cown. 母牛,母兽 vt. 恐吓
  • clayn. 粘土,泥土 n. (人的)肉体
  • stressn. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 vt. 强调 n.
  • explorationn. 探险,踏勘,探测
  • removev. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁 n. 去除,间距
  • drynessn. 干燥;冷淡;干燥无味
  • potteryn. 陶器
  • swaggerv. 大摇大摆地走,吹嘘 n. 大摇大摆,吹牛 adj.
  • restorationn. 恢复,归还,复位