BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第39件:阿卜杜勒马立克金币(5)
日期:2015-08-24 17:01



But something quite unexpected happened to those coins with Abd al-Malik standing on them. After a few years, they simply vanished. During the Hijra year 77 (697 AD), the Standing Caliph coin was suddenly replaced with a design that could hardly be more different. There's no caliph, there's no figure, only words. This is the defining moment for Islamic public art. From now on no human image would be used in such a public arena for well over a thousand years.
但令人意想不到的是,短短几年,这些带有马利克像的货币竟消失了s9TcLR3[LD4p2VK#Bv。希吉拉77年(公元697年>,铸有哈里发站姿的货币被一种截然不同的货币取代_Tb,LvZ4j4hhpu-im。新的货币上没有哈里发,也没有任何图像,只有文字stZ+&1Pj0JX9)。这是伊斯兰公共艺术的 一个决定性时刻gy1|,XpYBxP|^PF。此后长达千年的时间内,都不再有人像在公共场所出现l9Owl8E@yni
Back in the Coins and Medals department, I'm examining the reformed coin in more detail.It's exactly the same size and weight as the earlier coin, it's also made of solid gold, but it says that it was made in the year 77, so one year later than the previous coin. And now there's nothing to see but text. On the front it reads: "There is no god except God alone, he has no partner; Muhammad is the Messenger of God whom he sent with guidance and the religion of truth that he may make it victorious over every other religion." This is an adaptation of a text from the Qu'ran.
至于硬币部分,我更详细地端详这枚历经改革过后的硬币(zA)@bA%cQLb20#,ViZ.。第二枚金币的尺寸与重量都与第一枚完全相同,也用纯金制成S!y&6Y@Xp#W-H1o9Z|gr。它的制作时间只比上一枚晚一年,但上面镑刻的内容只剩下文字mr57l2,pFzDaKCJ)。正面是:“万物非主,唯有真主TY15unKrTZUEKAh4O%。穆罕默德是真主的使者,真主以正道和真教的使 命委托他的使者,以便他使真教胜过一切宗教+Lt4GE+g0xaLMA#KOu。”这段话出自《古兰经》Y0fF_vc3,yOY77,ePyER
And on the back of the coin is another Qu'ranic text: "God is One, God is the Eternal. He begets not, neither is he begotten."
The inscriptions on this coin make, I think, two extraordinarily interesting points. Firstly, this is almost the oldest Qu'ranic text to have survived. Before Muhammad, Arabic was barely a written language at all, but now there was of course a vital need to record God's words accurately, and so the first developed Arabic script-the "kufic" script-was created.
