The overthrow of smoking in the western world in the last 30 years has been an extraordinary revolution;in Hollywood now, only the "baddies" smoke, and the audience not at all-anybody caught smoking would be hounded out of the cinema.
过去30年欧洲的禁烟运动带来了巨大变革 。在如今的好莱坞电影里,只有坏蛋才抽烟,观众则完全不被允许:抽烟者会被赶出电彩院 。
James I would be delighted. As with the Warren Cup in the last programme, what is allowable as pleasure is constantly redefined; we can only guess what lies in store for alcohol!
詹姆斯一世想必会十分欣慰 。如同上期的沃伦杯一样,一些原本被社会视为享乐的活动,常被突然禁止 。我们只能对何物用于储藏佳酿浮想联翩 。
If this story of the American pipe is about community, passion, heightened senses and an almost religious fervour,then those same characteristics might be as easily applied to sport…in the next programme,I'll be with an extraordinary game that prompted a passionate following over two thousand years ago.
如果这个美国烟管的故事是关于社区、激情、不断加深的感觉及一种近乎宗教般的狂热,那么下一期节目中的物件可能也同样具备这些特质,我会有进行2000多年前一种特别的游戏 。
It's not yet football, but it is the first known organised team sport ... and it began in Central America.
这不是足球,但它是第一种已知在中美洲兴起团队组织的活动 。