BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第10件:绳纹陶钵(1)
日期:2014-05-08 16:55



Thousands of years ago, one of our ancestors must accidentally have made their first pot. We can imagine that a lump of wet clay somehow ended up in the fire, dried out, hardened and formed a hollow shape; a shape that could hold things, in a tough material.
Until now, for the Ice Age cook, leaves were soggy, baskets and skins leaked and burned, and meat charred. Suddenly, when that wet clay hardened, a whole world of culinary possibilities and ceramic design opened up.
The miraculous accident that produced pottery coincided with some great developments in human history. In the previous four programmes, I've been looking at the way humans began to rear animals and to cultivate plants. As a consequence, they started to cook differently, to eat new things and therefore to live differently-they settled down. Today, we're in Japan, about seven thousand years ago, with an ancient pot made in a tradition that goes back almost ten thousand years before that.
The earliest dates we've got for pottery are around about 16,500 years ago, and that in itself has caused quite a fuss because this is still what most people recognise as the Old Stone Age - with people hunting big game animals. We don't really expect to find pottery quite as early as that.
It was in Japan that the world's first pottery was born-and with it, possibly the world's first stew.
A history of the world.
In a hundred objects.
Jomon pot, a clay pot from Japan,approximately 5,000 BC
You'll find pots in museums all around the world and here in the Enlightenment Gallery of the British Museum, we have pots from all over the world; Greek vases with heroes fighting on them, Ming bowls from China, pot-bellied African jars and beautiful Wedgwood tureens.
The world's pots are so ubiquitous that we take all of them for granted, but human history is told and written in pots perhaps more than in anything else; as Robert Browning put it: Time's wheel runs back or stops; potter and clay endure.


1.end up 结束;最终成为

I don't know how this will end up.

It may end up having the opposite effect.
这或许会以适得其反而告终。 up 开发;打开

This gave them the confidence to open up their wallets to help augment the government's bailout program.

And taiwan agreed to open up to chinese investment.

3.start to 开始

Where's this argument start to break down?

Before long, incumbents in both parties will start to panic about next year's election.

4.expect to 期许

They expect to ship another 50,000 this month.

The answer will help determine what kinds of revenues the industry can expect to earn.

  • cultivatevt. 培养,耕作,栽培,结交(朋友), 促进增长,教养
  • approximatelyadv. 近似地,大约
  • wheeln. 轮子,车轮,方向盘,周期,旋转 vi. 旋转,转动
  • stewn. 炖汤,焖,烦恼 v. 炖汤,焖,忧虑
  • ubiquitousadj. 到处存在的,遍在的
  • galleryn. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间
  • hollown. 洞,窟窿,山谷 adj. 空的,虚伪的,空腹的 v
  • previousadj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的
  • panicn. 恐慌 adj. 惊慌的 vt. 使 ... 惊慌
  • ceramicadj. 陶器的 n. 陶器,陶瓷学