BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第44件:唐代墓葬俑(1)
日期:2015-12-23 17:30



It's a sure sign of middle age they say if, when you pick up the newspaper, you turn first to the obituaries.
But middle-aged or not, most of us, I suspect, would love to know what people will actually say about us when we die.
The privileged people I'm focusing on this week were all, one way or another, eager to fix posterity.
But nowhere was it so deftly done as in Tang China around 700 AD, where powerful figures didn't just wonder what would be said about them when they died, they simply wrote or commissioned their own obituaries, so that the ancestors and the gods would know precisely how important and how admirable they were.


  • admirableadj. 令人钦佩的,令人赞赏的
  • suspectn. 嫌疑犯 adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑