BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第34件:无量寿佛坐像(5)
日期:2015-04-13 16:21



Our sculpture, one of the earliest known, probably dates to the third century AD, when Gandhara was ruled by the Kushan kings of northern India, whose empire stretched from Kabul to Islamabad. It was a wealthy region, thanks to its position on the Silk Road - the trade routes linking China, India and the Mediterranean. From Gandhara the main route ran west through Iran to Alexandria in Egypt. Gandhara's prosperity and political stability allowed the construction of a great landscape of Buddhist shrines, monuments and sculpture, and further missionary expansion. It's something that will be a recurring feature through this week - the religions that survive today are the ones that were spread and sustained by trade and power. It's profoundly paradoxical: Buddhism, the religion founded by an ascetic who spurned all comfort and riches, flourished thanks to the international trade in luxury goods. With the luxury goods like silk went the monks and the missionaries, and with them went the Buddha, in human form, perhaps because such an image helps when you're teaching across a language barrier.
There are four standard poses for the Buddha that we know today. He can be shown lying, sitting, standing and walking; and each pose reflects a particular aspect of his life and activity, rather than a moment or an event. Our sculpture shows him in his enlightened state. He's robed as a monk, as might be expected, but unlike a monk his head is not shaved. He's dispensed with finery and removed his princely jewellery. His ears are no longer weighted down with gold - but the elongated lobes still have the empty holes that show that this man was once a prince.
我们今天所熟悉的佛像有四种标准姿势:卧姿、坐姿、站姿及行姿dc|Wym+3&H-C&vmhZ。 这些姿势所表现的与其说是某一时刻,不如说是佛陀生活中的某一侧面Et~!@GOEXZ_Tx7。本文中的佛像表现的就是佛陀开悟时的形象t#jQWlDkf=7LhnqL@Us。他身着袈裟,但蓄有头发,与普通僧人不同C)e;M+)lq|7UZqrB。他已脱掉了华丽的衣饰,摘掉了珠宝%W!Z@t|7UI(u]y*~。他的耳朵上不 再坠有沉甸甸的金饰,但长耳垂上的耳洞仍显露了他的王子身份%sGUO*QVHw2)*NTK


  • enlightenedadj. 被启发的,进步的,文明的 动词enlighte
  • stabilityn. 稳定性,居于修道院
  • sustainedadj. 持久的,经久不衰的
  • landscapen. 风景,山水,风景画 v. 美化景观
  • comfortn. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉 vt. 安慰,使舒适
  • luxuryn. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品
  • barriern. 界线,屏障,栅栏,障碍物
  • expansionn. 扩大,膨胀,扩充
  • paradoxicaladj. 似是而非的,矛盾的,诡论的
  • sculpturen. 雕塑 vt. 雕刻,雕塑 vi. 当雕刻师