BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第42件:洛泰尔一世水晶雕刻(6)
日期:2015-11-20 17:06



These ideals, articulated over a thousand years ago, are still central to European political life today. Here's Lord Bingham again:




"In the centre of the Lothair Crystal, one sees the king who commissioned it to be made in the role of judge, and this is of considerable interest and importance, because historically the crown and monarchy has always been regarded as the fount of justice. Interestingly, the Queen, when she took her Coronation Oath in 1953, swore-it's a very old oath prescribed by an Act of 1688 - but she swore to do justice and mercy in all her judgements. And this is exactly the role in which one sees King Lothair, in the role of actually personally administering justice which, of course, the Queen no longer does. But the judges who do it in her name are very proud to be called Her Majesty's judges, recognising that they're exercising their judicial functions on her behalf."




The Susannah Crystal was made for a king without an heir, in a kingdom without a future. In 869, when Lothair died un-divorced, his uncles did indeed partition his lands, and all that remains of Lotharingia today is the name of Lorraine. For over a thousand years, indeed until 1945, Lothair's Middle Kingdom was bitterly fought over by the successors of the wicked uncles, France and Germany.


苏撒拿水晶是在一个没有未来的王国里为一位没有子嗣的国王制作的@%0-bz(aO;.VIDSLJC&。869年,洛泰尔去世了,其时他仍未离婚8[ehofg2[sr2。叔叔们果然瓜分了他的王国,洛塔林基亚如今只剩下一个地区名—洛林rw!#pD6*VE&。在逾千年的光阴 里,实际上直到1954年,洛泰尔那中部王国一直都是两位邪恶叔叔的继任者-德国与法国所争抢的土地Nx9~QF&vUO)*QV!GJV,3


But if Lothair had succeeded in divorcing his wife, and had a legitimate heir, Lorraine might now rank with Spain, France and Germany as one of the great states of continental Europe. Lotharingia perished, but the principle that Lothair's Crystal proclaims has survived. A central duty of the ruler of the state is to guarantee that justice is done, dispassionately and in open court. Innocence must be protected. The Lothair Crystal is one of the first European images of the notion of the rule of law.




  • innocencen. 无罪,无知,天真无邪
  • principlen. 原则,原理,主义,信念
  • considerableadj. 相当大的,可观的,重要的
  • rulern. 尺子,划线板 n. 统治者,支配者
  • continentaladj. 大陆的
  • rankn. 等级,阶层,排,列 v. 分等级,排列,列为
  • partitionn. 分割,隔离物 vt. 区分,隔开,分割
  • mercyn. 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈,恩惠 adj. 仁慈的,宽
  • wickedadj. 坏的,邪恶的,缺德的 adv. 极端地,非常地
  • crystaln. 水晶,晶体 adj. 晶体的,透明的