BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第10件:绳纹陶钵(5)
日期:2014-05-16 17:04



What's fascinating about trying to tell a history through objects is that they go on to have lives and destinies never dreamt of by those who made them-and that's certainly true of this pot.
That gold leaf was applied somewhere between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, when ancient pots were being discovered, collected and displayed by Japanese scholars. And it was probably a wealthy collector a couple of hundred years ago who had the inside of the pot lacquered with a thin layer of gold. After seven thousand years of existence, our Jomon pot then began a new life-as a 'mizusashi', or water jar, for that quintessentially Japanese ritual, the Tea Ceremony.
I don't think that its maker would have minded. We know there were all sorts of rituals and ceremonies involving pots in the time of the Jomon. In that society, as in virtually all others, pots quickly went beyond their functional purpose to become objects of desire and display.
In their many manifestations, pots resonate throughout human history, from the most primitive domestic meal or drink to the Last Supper; from a nomadic snack to an international banquet. If mealtimes are a microcosm of society, then pots are the very glue that binds hosts and guests, indeed the whole of society, together.
This week we've traced the beginnings of farming and settlement; in the next programmes, we're with the consequences: the world's first cities.


1.dream of 梦见;梦想

Many europeans dream of inverting this relationship.

You never dream of this type of situation until you're in it.
2.from to 从...到...

Some photograph we have never have to see from to televise

From to now, sincere network created through introducing the absorption and independent innovation simultaneously.
3.functional purpose 实用功效

It's a novelty without much functional purpose, but there's nothing wrong with some novelty every once in a while.

The entanglement and distinction between chinese calligraphy and painting-a study trough functional purpose and presenting forms.

  • absorptionn. 吸收,全神贯注
  • fascinatingadj. 迷人的
  • gluen. 胶,胶水,胶粘物 vt. 粘贴,紧附于
  • banquetn. 宴会 vi. 宴请 vt. 宴会,设宴
  • collectorn. 收集家,收税员
  • ceremonyn. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪
  • displayn. 显示,陈列,炫耀 vt. 显示,表现,夸示
  • jarn. 不和谐,刺耳声,震动,震惊,广口瓶 vi. 发刺耳
  • networkn. 网络,网状物,网状系统 vt. (以网络)覆
  • layern. 层 vi. 分层 vt. 将某物堆积成层 n