This is engaged upon by vast numbers of people, and is an absolutely collective act of celebration of what they are able to achieve, as a united body of intention.
它们是民众共同创出来的,是人们共同力量的极佳表现 。
"Even if we don't understand it in technical terms, the awe-inspiring thing is the way in which, in spite of its scale, proportion and clarity is brought to the surface of the stone.
“即使技术方面我们不理解,令人惊叹的是,石头表面能有这样的规模,比例及清澈度 。
This surface is created entirely by sand abrasion.
这个表面是完全由砂磨所创造 。
It's difficult to conceive of a harder material-this is granite-extreme resistance has been overcome by time and elbow grease."
很难相信这样一种坚硬的原料—花岗岩,被一点一滴的时间和精力所征服 。
Antony Gormley's point is, I think, a very important one.
这一点至关重要 。
This serenely smiling sculpture is not the creation of an individual artist, but the achievement of a whole society-the result of a huge, complex process of engineering and logistics-in many ways much closer to building a motorway than making a work of art.
这座带着庄严笑容的雕像并非某一位艺术家的作品, 而是整个社会的劳动成果,需要繁复庞杂的工程规划与后勤保障 。它在许多方面都更接近于修建高速公路,而非创作艺术 。
The granite for the sculpture was quarried from Aswan and extracted in a single colossal block-the whole statue would have originally weighed about 20 tons.
雕像所使用的花岗岩釆自阿斯旺,在尼罗河上游,距神殿超过一百五十公里 。它使用了整块巨石雕琢,原石重量应超过二十吨 。
It was then roughly shaped before being moved on wooden sleds, and pulled by large teams of labourers, from the quarry to a raft which was floated down the Nile to Luxor.
先雕出基本形状,再靠大量的劳力把石料用木橇从采石场拖到木筏上,沿尼罗河顺流而下到卢克索 。
The stone would then be hauled from the river to the Ramesseum, where the finer stone-working would take place in situ.
再从河边运到拉美西斯神殿,进行最后的雕刻 。仅完成这一个雕像便需要大量的人力与庞大的组织结构 。
So an enormous amount of man-power and organisation was needed to erect even this one statue, and this whole work-force had to be trained, managed and co-ordinated and, if not paid-many of them would of course have been slaves-at least fed and housed.
所有的劳工都需 要训练、管理和调度,就算是没有薪水的奴隶也得保证食物与住所 。
1.able to 能;会
I know someone who should be able to fix you up.
我知道有个人能提供你所需要的东西 。
Japan might be able to unload more of its steel abroad.
日本或许能向国外倾销更多的钢铁 。
2.work of art 艺术品
Think of your life as a work of art, and you as the artist.
将你的生活想象成一种艺术品,而你本人是一个艺术家 。
In execution as well as in conception, this is a very complex work of art.
无论是实际操作还是概念构思上,这无疑是一件极为复杂的艺术品 。
3.float down 下浮
Miss you can float down the moon light of the world’s life.
希望你可以从世界的生命中随着月光漂浮而下 。
You came here to drink in the grandeur of the Winter Palace, to float down the majestic canals, to be transported to its gilded czarist opulence.
来到这里,你可以在冬宫的宏伟中享受美酒,乘船漂过雄伟的运河,一睹沙皇金碧辉煌的财富 。