BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第33件:银色霍克森胡椒瓶(8)
日期:2015-03-06 14:10



Written on one of the spoons in the hoard are the words 'VIVAS IN DEO'-'May you live in God'-a common Christian prayer. And it is likely that our fleeing family was Christian. By this date Christianity had been the official religion of the Empire for nearly a hundred years and, like pepper, it had come to Britain via Rome. Faith and trade often travel together, and both the peppercorn and the cross had a reach far wider than the Roman Empire itself.
宝藏中的一把汤匙上刻着“VIVAS IN DEO”(愿主保佑你),这是一句常见的基督教祝词,因此宝藏的主人很可能是基督徒-v,-U^U4i8K(1Kp(_VEz。当时,基督教作为罗马帝国的国教已达百年iM8-xC~(+T#。它与胡椒一样从罗马来到了英国,如今,帝国早已消失,但它们依然存在RY.Dy3VGNJGd)
Next week I shall be moving away from earthly pleasures to examine some of the new spiritual structures that humanity was creating around the world about two thousand years ago. We will be starting in India-with an image that sits most happily in our contemporary Western imagination...a seated Buddha.

