BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第38件:阿拉伯青铜手(3)
日期:2015-07-20 16:03



"What they have done so carefully is the impression of the veins, which would probably go against it being some form of amputation, because if a hand was amputated the veins would be empty, because obviously the blood drains out.These are very carefully crafted, and really quite beautiful.
"I'm sure this is a human hand, but there are certain things that are slightly odd about it.The nails, the 'spoon-shaped' nails, are really indicative of someone who potentially might have anaemia, for some reason; the fingers are really thin and spindly, and also there is this deformity of the little finger, which I think has probably been broken at some stage, at the end of it."
It's small medical details like these that, after 1,700 years of oblivion, bring Wahab Ta'lab back to life.I find myself wondering how old he was.The veins on the back of the hand are very prominent.And, above all, wondering how he broke his little finger.Was it perhaps in battle? It doesn't look as though it was in the fields-this doesn't seem like the hand of a labourer.A fortune-teller of course would look at once for the lines on the palm of the hand, but the palm of this hand has been left unworked.There are lines, though, but they're on the back, and they're lines of text.They're written in an ancient Yemeni language which is linked both to modern Hebrew and to Arabic, and the inscription tells us what this object was for, and where it was displayed:
"Son of Hisam, the Yursamite, subject of the Banu Sukhaym, has dedicated for his well-being this his right hand to their patron in his the god's shrine dhu-Qabrat."
巴努·苏克因的子民,尤塞麦特族人希山姆之子献上自己的右 手给他们的保护神塔拉布·里阳,敬奉于萨法城杜卡布拉特神庙, 祈求福社T,d8iqgR!u20cz(Xc-z

