BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第28件:奥古斯都头像(2)
日期:2014-12-03 16:16





Our head comes from this time, a year or two after Augustus became emperor. It was once part of a full-length statue that showed him as a warrior, slightly larger than life-sized. It's broken off at the neck but otherwise the bronze is in very good condition. It's an image that in one form or another would have been familiar to hundreds of thousands of people, because statues like this were set up in cities all over the Roman Empire. This is how Augustus wanted his subjects to see him. And although every inch a Roman, he wanted them to know that he was also the equal of Alexander and heir to the legacy of Greece. The distinguished Roman historian Susan Walker explains what is going on:
"When he had become master of the Mediterranean world and took the name Augustus, he really needed to find a new image. And he really couldn't copy Caesar's image, because Caesar looked like a crusty old Roman. He had a real warts-and-all portrait-very thin and scraggy, and bald, and very austere, very much in the manner of traditional Roman portraiture. So that image had become a little bit discredited, and in any case Augustus-as he now was-was setting up an entirely new political system, so he needed to have a new image to go with it. And having assumed this image when he was still in his thirties, he stayed with it until he died aged 76, so there's no suggestion in his portraits, even any subtle suggestion such as we see in the portraits of our Queen, for example, of any aging process at all."





1.break off 断绝;突然停止


We may break off relations with that country.


You need a break. Why not take a fortnight off from work?
你需要休息, 为什么不休假两周呢?


2.want to 想去;想要


The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.


"I want to send a telegram." — "Fine, to whom?"



  • subtleadj. 微妙的,敏感的,精细的,狡诈的,不明显的
  • legacyn. 祖先传下来之物,遗赠物 adj. [计算机]旧系统
  • assumedadj. 假装的;假定的
  • warriorn. 勇士,战士,武士
  • telegramn. 电报 vt. 向 ... 发电报
  • portraituren. 肖像画,肖像绘制法
  • statuen. 塑像,雕像
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • distinguishedadj. 卓著的,尊敬的 动词distinguish的过
  • settingn. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲 动词