BBC百件藏品话沧桑 第36件:沙普尔二世银盘(7)
日期:2015-06-15 15:56



Zoroastrians don't have that option, everywhere that is Zoroastrian has been conquered by Islam. And so as a result there is an increasing,sort of, spiral of decline to the degree that now in the land of its birth-in Iran-Zoroastrians are a tiny, tiny minority."
But if Zoroastrians today are relatively few in number, some of their faith's core teachings about the eternal conflict of good and evil, about the ending of the world, are still very powerful today. The politics of the Middle East are still haunted, and in some measure shaped, by belief in an eventual apocalypse and the triumph of justice-an idea that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all derived from Zoroastrianism. And when politicians in Teheran talk of the Great Satan, and politicians in Washington denounce the Empire of Evil, one's tempted to point out that: "Thus Spake Zarathustra".

