A common theme that's emerged from the objects of this week has been the changing views of what constitutes an acceptable pleasure-at different times in world history spice has turned into vice-or vice versa.
前几节的物品有一个共同的主题,即社会对娱乐方式的接受程度的变化 。在世界史上,人类对一种行为好坏的判断标准常发生一百八十度的转弯 。
But enjoying a work of art like the Admonitions Scroll has always been entirely acceptable, and the scroll itself carries the record of those who, through the centuries, have been lucky enough to look at it and enjoy it.
但欣赏一件像《女史蔵图》这样的艺术品一直是公认的乐趣之一 。画卷上的题跋和印章是几百年间有幸欣赏过这幅画卷的人所留下的记录 。
And today, astonishingly, I am one of their number. I'm in the specially built East Asian painting conservation studio here at the British Museum -where the entire painting is laid out.
而现如今,我有幸成为欣赏画卷者的其中一人 。我此时此刻正身处大英博物馆为保存整体摊开这幅画卷而特别修建的东亚画作保存室里 。
The story of its creation is a process that brings together artists of different periods, and since it was completed this scroll has been continually cherished.
画卷将历史上不同时期的艺术家联系在了一起,而且自它完成以来,一直大受推崇 。
The starting point was a long poem written by the courtier Zhang Hua in 292 AD.
公元二九二年,晋朝大臣张华作了一首长诗 。
Then about one hundred years later, so around 400, a famous painting-now believed to be lost-incorporated the poem. The painted scroll that I have in front of me now was probably completed a hundred years or so after that, but it faithfully copied and captured the spirit of the great painting-and there are indeed some who think that this may be the celebrated original painting itself. But whatever its precise status, this scroll is one of the most celebrated examples of early Chinese painting to have come down to us.
一个世纪以后,公元四百年左右,一名画家根据诗文内容创作了一幅著名的画作,原画据信已经失传 。大英博物馆保存的这幅很可能是两百年后的一件临摹品 。它完全把握住了原画的神韵,甚至有人认为它就是原作 。无论真相如何,它都是中国古代画作留下来的珍品 。
About half of the scroll is made up of painted scenes, each one divided from the next by lines from the poem. As the scroll was slowly unrolled for you, you would have read the poem and then been able to see only one part at a time, and that sense of unfolding is a key part of the pleasure.
脚卷中包含数幅场景,每幅各有箴文 。画卷缓缓展开时,先看到几句诗文,然后是相应的图画,一次只能看到一幅,这种展开过程正是赏 的关键乐趣之一 。