Arabian aromatics had powered the religious life of the pagan Roman Empire,but when that empire converted to Christianity and no longer needed frankincense for worship, the incense trade was dealt a massive blow, contributing to a collapse in the Yemen economy.
阿拉伯的香料曾极广泛地应用于信仰异教 的罗马帝国的宗教生活 。但当罗马帝国转而信仰基督教时,他们便不再需要焚烧乳香了 。香料贸易的大幅下滑导致了也门的经济衰落 。
Local gods, like Ta'lab, disappeared, perhaps because they were no longer delivering the promised prosperity.
塔拉布等本土神消失了,也许是因为他们不能再给人民带来富足 。
Suddenly, in the 370s, offerings to traditional gods just stop, and their place is taken by other gods with a wider, universal reach-these are the religions of today.
公元370年左右,也门人对本土神的敬拜戛然而止,取而代之的是在全世界都有信徒的大宗教,也就是那些延续至今的教派 。
Within the next couple of centuries the rulers of Yemen shift from Judaism to Christianity to Zoroastrianism and finally, in 628, to Islam, which has remained the dominant religion of Yemen ever since.
在接下来的数百年间,也门统治者从犹太教转向基督教,又转向祆教,最后在628年改信伊斯兰教,直至今日,伊斯兰教仍是也门占支配地位的宗教信仰 。
Gods like Ta'lab no longer stood a chance.
在这些超越国境的大宗教面前,塔拉布等本土神再也没有任何机会 。
But some elements of Ta'lab's world did live on. We know for example that, like many Arabian gods, he was venerated through pilgrimages to his shrine.
但塔拉布信仰的一些元素仍保留了下来 。比如人们仍会前往他和其他一些阿拉伯神的神庙朝圣 。
The religious historian Philip Jenkins, of Pennsylvania State University, is fascinated by elusive survivals like this:
宾夕法尼亚州立大学的宗教历史学家菲 利普?詹金斯教授对这种残存的信仰元素很感兴趣:
"There are aspects of the old pagan Arabian religion which do live on into Islam, and into Muslim times.
Especially in the practice of the pilgrimage, the Hajj-what goes on at Mecca.
其中影响最大的便是到圣地麦加的朝覲仪式 。
Muslims would absolutely reject any pagan context, obviously-they frame it in terms of Abraham and his story,but probably the events of the Hajj closely recall what would have happened in pagan times at that centre.
穆斯林排斥一切异教教义,因此将这种观念融入了易卜拉欣的故事里 。但其实这种朝觐行为很可能曾受到发生在这一宗教中心的古代异教信仰仪式的影响 。