They're arranged in six pairs, and all of them are just three colours: amber-yellow, green and brown. It's a two-by-two procession, and at the front are a pair of monsters, dramatic half-human creatures with clownish grimaces, spikes on their heads, wings, and hoofed legs. They're fabulous figures heading up the line, in order to protect the tomb's occupant. Next in line, contained and austere, and definitely Chinese, are two civil servants, who stand, arms politely folded, braced for their specific job-to draft and to present the case for Liu Tingxun to the judges of the underworld. The last human figures in this procession are two little grooms, but they're completely overwhelmed by the magnificent beasts in their charge that come behind them. Firstly, two splendid horses, just under three foot (90 cm) high-one cream ,splashed with yellow and green, and the other entirely brown-and, bringing up the rear, a wonderful couple of camels, Bactrian ones with two humps, and their heads thrown back as though whinnying. Liu Tingxun was setting off for the next world magnificently accompanied.
陶俑分为六对,只有三种颜色:琥珀黄、绿和棕色,两两并列,排成一队 。最前方是一对首俑,夸张的半人兽造型顶着滑稽的鬼脸,头上长角,还有翅膀与兽蹄 。他们是队列中领头的神某葬的守护者之后是一对人形陶俑,外表显然深受印度的影响 。再下一对则极具中国特色,是两个拘谨严肃的官员,双手中恭毕敬地交叠,站立,他们将履行特殊的使命:起草刘廷荀的墓志,并将其呈交给阴间的判官 。队列中最后的人物形象虽两位马夫,他们的身影完全被身后所照看的庞然大物吞没了 。首先是两匹良马,高近一米,一匹乳白色带黄绿斑点,一匹通体棕色 。殿后的是一对漂亮的大夏双峰骆驼,头向后仰,做嘶鸣状 。陪同刘廷荀前往另一个世界的阵仗真是浩大 。