日期:2014-08-26 14:53


But poorly could I withstand them, much as in other moods I was almost ready to smile at the solemn whimsicalities of that outlandish prophet of the wharves.
But whatever it was of apprehensiveness or uneasiness—to call it so—which I felt, yet whenever I came to look about me in the ship,
it seemed against all warrantry to cherish such emotions.
For though the harpooneers, with the great body of the crew, were a far more barbaric, heathenish, and motley set than any of the tame merchant-ship companies which my previous experiences had made me acquainted with, still I ascribed this—and rightly ascribed it—to the fierce uniqueness of the very nature of that wild Scandinavian vocation in which I had so abandonedly embarked.
But it was especially the aspect of the three chief officers of the ship, the mates, which was most forcibly calculated to allay these colourless misgivings, and induce confidence and cheerfulness in every presentment of the voyage.

  • surmisen. 推测 vt. 推测,臆测
  • unreasonableadj. 不合理的,过度的,不切实际的
  • machineryn. (总称)机器,机械
  • essentialn. 要素,要点 adj. 必要的,重要的,本质的
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • dignityn. 尊严,高贵,端庄
  • suppressvt. 镇压,使 ... 止住,禁止
  • seasoningn. 调料
  • curiousadj. 好奇的,奇特的
  • advocaten. 提倡者,拥护者,辩护者,律师 v. 主张,提倡