日期:2018-08-06 17:43


In short, this ancient and learned Low Dutch book treated of the commerce of Holland; and, among other subjects, contained a very interesting account of its whale fishery. And in this chapter it was, headed, "Smeer," or "Fat," that I found a long detailed list of the outfits for the larders and cellars of 180 sail of Dutch whalemen; from which list, as translated by Dr. Snodhead, I transcribe the following:
400,000 lbs. of beef. 60,000 lbs. Friesland pork. 150,000 lbs. of stock fish. 550,000 lbs. of biscuit. 72,000 lbs. of soft bread. 2,800 firkins of butter. 20,000 lbs. of Texel and Leyden cheese. 144,000 lbs. cheese (probably an inferior article). 550 ankers of Geneva. 10,800 barrels of beer.
牛肉 四十万磅;佛里斯兰猪肉 六万磅;鱼 十五万磅;硬面包 五十五万磅;软面包 七万二千磅;牛油 二千八百小桶(小桶(firkin)——约合九加仑。);泰克塞尔和来顿奶酪 二万磅;奶酪 十四万四千磅(大概是次等品);杜松子酒 五百五十安克(安克——荷兰液量名,约十加仑。);啤酒 一万零八百桶
Most statistical tables are parchingly dry in the reading; not so in the present case, however, where the reader is flooded with whole pipes, barrels, quarts, and gills of good gin and good cheer.
At the time, I devoted three days to the studious digesting of all this beer, beef, and bread, during which many profound thoughts were incidentally suggested to me, capable of a transcendental and Platonic application;
