日期:2019-05-29 18:50


But though when she had thus sailed a sufficient distance to gain the presumed place of the absent ones when last seen; though she then paused to lower her spare boats to pull all around her; and not finding anything, had again dashed on; again paused, and lowered her boats; and though she had thus continued doing till daylight; yet not the least glimpse of the missing keel had been seen.
The story told, the stranger Captain immediately went on to reveal his object in boarding the Pequod. He desired that ship to unite with his own in the search; by sailing over the sea some four or five miles apart, on parallel lines, and so sweeping a double horizon, as it were.
I will wager something now, whispered Stubb to Flask, "that some one in that missing boat wore off that Captain's best coat; mayhap, his watch — he's so cursed anxious to get it back. Who ever heard of two pious whale-ships cruising after one missing whale-boat in the height of the whaling season? See, Flask, only see how pale he looks — pale in the very buttons of his eyes — look — it wasn't the coat — it must have been the-"
My boy, my own boy is among them. For God's sake — I beg, I conjure — here exclaimed the stranger Captain to Ahab, who thus far had but icily received his petition. "For eight-and-forty hours let me charter your ship — I will gladly pay for it, and roundly pay for it — if there be no other way — for eight-and-forty hours only — only that — you must, oh, you must, and you shall do this thing."

  • paralleladj. 平行的,相同的,类似的,并联的 n. 平行线(
  • petitionn. 祈求,请愿书,诉状 vi. 请愿,祈求 vt. 向
  • piousadj. 虔诚的,尽责的,值得的
  • revealvt. 显示,透露 n. (外墙与门或窗之间的)窗侧,门
  • conjurev. 变戏法,恳求,唤起,以咒文召唤
  • chartern. 宪章,特许,(船、机、车等的)租赁 vt. 特许,
  • sufficientadj. 足够的,充分的
  • flaskn. 细颈瓶,烧瓶,小水瓶
  • spareadj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的 v. 抽出,饶