日期:2016-01-08 17:12


I, Ishmael, was one of that crew; my shouts had gone up with the rest;
my oath had been welded with theirs; and stronger I shouted, and more did I hammer and clinch my oath, because of the dread in my soul.
A wild, mystical, sympathetical feeling was in me; Ahab's quenchless feud seemed mine.
With greedy ears I learned the history of that murderous monster against whom I and all the others had taken our oaths of violence and revenge.
For some time past, though at intervals only, the unaccompanied, secluded White Whale had haunted those uncivilized seas mostly frequented by the Sperm Whale fishermen.
But not all of them knew of his existence; only a few of them, comparatively, had knowingly seen him;
while the number who as yet had actually and knowingly given battle to him, was small indeed.
For, owing to the large number of whale-cruisers;
the disorderly way they were sprinkled over the entire watery circumference, many of them adventurously pushing their quest along solitary latitudes, so as seldom or never for a whole twelvemonth or more on a stretch, to encounter a single news-telling sail of any sort; the inordinate length of each separate voyage;
the irregularity of the times of sailing from home;
all these, with other circumstances, direct and indirect, long obstructed the spread through the whole world-wide whaling-fleet of the special individualizing tidings concerning Moby Dick.

  • hammern. 锤,榔头 vi. 锤击,反复敲打 vt. 锤打,严
  • indirectadj. 间接的,迂回的,次要的,不坦率的,欺骗的
  • irregularityn. 不规则性,不规则的事物 n. 便秘
  • oathn. 誓言,誓约,咒骂语
  • crewn. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员 vi
  • knowinglyadv. 故意地;机警地,狡黠地
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v
  • stretchn. 伸展,张开 adj. 可伸缩的 v. 伸展,张开,
  • whalen. 鲸 vi. 捕鲸 v. 鞭打,打击,打败
  • clinchvt. 敲弯,钉牢,了解 vi. 扭住对手,紧抓 n.