日期:2014-03-10 15:13


Hallo, you sir, cried the Captain, a gaunt rib of the sea, stalking up to Queequeg,
那小伙子嚎叫着奔向船长。 船长昂首挺胸地走了过来,冲着魁魁格吼道:
what in thunder do you mean by that? Don't you know you might have killed that chap?
What him say? said Queequeg, as he mildly turned to me.
他在讲什么? 魁魁格不紧不慢地回过头来问我。
He say, said I, that you came near kill-e that man there, pointing to the still shivering greenhorn.
他说,你是不是要把那个小伙子弄死? 我一边说,一边指了指那个哆哆嗦嗦的小伙子。
Kill-e, cried Queequeg, twisting his tattooed face into an unearthly expression of disdain, ah! him bevy small-e fish-e;
Queequeg no kill-e so small-e fish-e; Queequeg kill-e big whale!
魁魁格不杀小鱼,魁魁格杀的是大鲸鱼! 魁魁格蔑视地说。
Look you, roared the Captain, I'll kill-e YOU, you cannibal, if you try any more of your tricks aboard here; so mind your eye.
But it so happened just then, that it was high time for the Captain to mind his own eye.
The prodigious strain upon the main-sail had parted the weather-sheet, and the tremendous boom was now flying from side to side, completely sweeping the entire after part of the deck.
The poor fellow whom Queequeg had handled so roughly, was swept overboard;
all hands were in a panic; and to attempt snatching at the boom to stay it, seemed madness.
It flew from right to left, and back again, almost in one ticking of a watch, and every instant seemed on the point of snapping into splinters.
Nothing was done, and nothing seemed capable of being done; those on deck rushed towards the bows, and stood eyeing the boom as if it were the lower jaw of an exasperated whale.
人们围着它,束手无策。 就像一条被激怒的巨鲸的下颚。

  • disdainn. 轻蔑 v. 蔑视
  • ribn. 肋骨,肋状物 vt. 装肋于,用肋状物支撑
  • prodigiousadj. 巨大的,惊人的,奇异的
  • capableadj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的
  • whalen. 鲸 vi. 捕鲸 v. 鞭打,打击,打败
  • strainn. 紧张,拉紧,血统 v. 劳累,拉紧,过份使用
  • boomn. 繁荣,低沉声,帆杠,水栅 vi. 急速增长,发出低
  • unearthlyadj. 神秘的;怪异的;可怕的;非尘世的
  • panicn. 恐慌 adj. 惊慌的 vt. 使 ... 惊慌