日期:2014-03-05 16:15


Shifting the barrow from my hand to his, he told me a funny story about the first wheelbarrow he had ever seen.
It was in Sag Harbor. The owners of his ship, it seems, had lent him one, in which to carry his heavy chest to his boarding house.
Not to seem ignorant about the thing—though in truth he was entirely so, concerning the precise way in which to manage the barrow—Queequeg puts his chest upon it;lashes it fast; and then shoulders the barrow and marches up the wharf.
"Why," said I, "Queequeg, you might have known better than that, one would think. Didn't the people laugh?"
“啊,魁魁格,你就这么走到的客店?” 我几乎笑出声来。
Upon this, he told me another story.
The people of his island of Rokovoko, it seems, at their wedding feasts express the fragrant water of young cocoanuts into a large stained calabash like a punchbowl;
and this punchbowl always forms the great central ornament on the braided mat where the feast is held.
Now a certain grand merchant ship once touched at Rokovoko, and its commanderfrom all accounts, a very stately punctilious gentleman, at least for a sea captain—this commander was invited to the wedding feast of Queequeg's sister, a pretty young princess just turned of ten.
Well; when all the wedding guests were assembled at the bride's bamboo cottage, this Captain marches in, and being assigned the post of honour, placed himself over against the punchbowl, and between the High Priest and his majesty the King, Queequeg's father.
Grace being said,—for those people have their grace as well as we—though Queequeg told me that unlike us, who at such times look downwards to our platters, they, on the contrary, copying the ducks, glance upwards to the great Giver of all feasts—Grace,
I say, being said, the High Priest opens the banquet by the immemorial ceremony of the island;
that is, dipping his consecrated and consecrating fingers into the bowl before the blessed beverage circulates.

  • commandern. 司令官,指挥官
  • bowln. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场 v. 打保龄球,
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • ornamentn. 装饰,装饰物 vt. 装饰
  • shiftingn. 转移 adj. 不断改换的 动词shift的现在分
  • preciseadj. 精确的,准确的,严格的,恰好的
  • banquetn. 宴会 vi. 宴请 vt. 宴会,设宴
  • gracen. 优美,优雅,恩惠 vt. 使荣耀,使优美
  • ceremonyn. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪
  • punctiliousadj. 精密细心的,一丝不苟的,谨小慎微的