That finding alone is interesting, because it helps explain why cystic-fibrosis patients with bacterial infections often develop copious mucus in their lungs, even though this does nothing to counter the bacteria.
More intriguing, though, was what happened when the researchers tried growing P.Aeruginosa on samples of this mucus.
So long as LasB was present, the bacteria did not merely thrive, but actually consumed the mucus.
Not only is P.Aeruginosa tricking the immune system into an inappropriate response, it is also feeding on the result.
And to make things worse still, Dr Medzhitov also discovered that all this immune manipulation makes the surrounding tissues prone to allergy.
Allergic reactions are, essentially, exaggerated and inappropriate type-2 immune responses.
The researchers therefore wondered whether the reactions being created by LasB could cause lasting allergies to develop.
To find out, they sprayed mice infected with P.Aeruginosa with egg-white protein (often used as an experimental allergen) on the first and seventh days of a four-week experiment.
As a control, they did the same with some mice genetically engineered to lack the ability to produce amphiregulin when exposed to LasB.
They theorised that, in the absence of worms, the inflamed epithelial tissues in normal mice might instead identify the egg-white protein as an intruder.
This is exactly what happened.
When injected with a small amount of egg-white protein two and three weeks after the start of the experiment, the normal mice showed a strong allergic response to it.
In contrast, the amphiregulin-free mice showed little.
These discoveries, fascinating in and of themselves, also pave the way for new approaches to treating infections in those with cystic fibrosis.
Moreover, if one bug has thus evolved a way to milk the immune system, the chances are good that others have done so too.
Thus alerted, researchers will be on the lookout for similar cases.