夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第847期:气候变化使夜莺翼展变短
日期:2020-04-21 11:02



Rising temperatures may be having a profound physical impact on one of the world's favourite songbirds.
Researchers in Spain found that over a 20-year period, nightingales had evolved smaller wingspans.
The scientists say this is linked to a changing climate in the region which has seen the early onset of spring and increased drought.

rising adj. 上升的
• rising sea level: 上升的海平面
have a profound impact on: 对……有深远影响
songbird n. 鸣禽
• light-winged Dryad of the trees: 羽翼翩翩的树精(来自英国诗人John Keats济慈的《夜莺颂》)

period n. 一段时间,时期
evolve vt. 进化
(change gradually over a long period of time)
wingspan n. 翼展

be linked to: 和……有关(be associated with)
the onset of sth.: ……的开始(the beginning of sth.)

