夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第718期:重建巴黎圣母院
日期:2019-10-09 07:42



Wood from a vast underwater forest in Ghana could be used to rebuild Notre-Dame Cathedral after its spire and roof were consumed by a blaze in April. A Ghanaian company, which has government concessions to harvest this wood, believes that using it to rebuild Notre-Dame is more environmentally friendly than cutting down new trees. Kete Krachi Timber Recovery argues that the wood is "much stronger" because it has been preserved from decay by the lake's bog-like conditions, and has started to fossilise.

cathedral n. 大教堂
· Notre-Dame Cathedral: 巴黎圣母院
spire n. (教堂等建筑物顶部的)尖塔,尖顶
consume vt. 烧毁,吞噬;消耗,耗费;消费
· consumer: n. 消费者 consumption: n. 消费
· This is very time-consuming.
· energy-consuming: 耗能的 money-consuming: 耗钱的
blaze n. 大火;火焰
concession n. 特许经营权;让步
· France concession: 法国租界
environmentally friendly: 环境友好的
preserve vt. 保护
· be preserved from: 免于……
· preserved eggs: 皮蛋,松花蛋
decay n. 腐烂
bog n. 泥沼,沼泽
fossilise vi. 变成化石;化石化

