夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第743期:三大运营商推出5G套餐
日期:2019-11-12 09:29



State-owned carriers China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom unveiled their 5G data plans on Thursday. 5G is the fifth-generation of mobile internet connectivity. It promises much faster data download and upload speeds, wider coverage and more stable connections. The Chinese carriers had initially scheduled the launch for next year, but accelerated the rollout.

state-owned: adj. 国有的
· state-owned economy/companies: 国有经济
· private companies/sectors: 私营企业
carrier n.运营商;运输工具
· aircraft carrier: 航空母舰
· flag carrier: 国航
unveil vt. 发布,公布(launch, announce)
data n. 数据
· datum为data的单数形式
plan n. 计划,引申为套餐
· combo n. 套餐,小型乐队
· big mac combo: 巨无霸套餐
· benefit/salary package: 薪资套餐
promise vt. 承诺,保证
· The company will offer you a very high salary.
· The company promises a high salary.
coverage n. 覆盖
· news report/coverage: 新闻报道
stable adj. 稳定的
initially adj. 起初地
schedule vt. 制定日程
launch n. 推出 v. 推出
accelerate vt. 加速
rollout n. 推出

