夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第674期:上海交易所科创板形势大好
日期:2019-08-07 07:51



Trading in China's Nasdaq-style technology board got off to a solid start. Shares surged in the so-called Star market with one top performer shooting above 400%. China said last year it would launch the technology-focused trading board as it sought to cement Shanghai's role as a global financial hub.

trading: n. 交易
· trade: v. (股票、股权)交易;贸易
technology board: 科技板
get off: 出发(start,begin)
solid: adj. 稳健的
surge: vi. 快速上涨
Shanghai's Stock Exchange Science and Technology Innovation Board: 上海股票交易所科创板
performer: n. 表演者;业绩
· perform: vi. 表现
· performance: n. 公司业绩
shoot above: 快速上升
launch: vt. 推出;发布
technology-focused: 关注技术的
· exam-focused: 关注应试的
seek to: 尝试;将要(will do,be going to do,try to do)
cement: vt. 加强 n. 水泥
financial hub: 金融中心

