夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第618期:斯坦福招生舞弊案里的中国富豪
日期:2019-05-21 07:53



The mother of a Chinese student who was admitted to Stanford University said the family gave $6.5 million to the man at the center of a massive college admissions scandal as a donation for scholarships and funding. Fifty people have been charged in the largest college admissions scam prosecuted in the United States. The scandal has ensnared celebrities such as Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin, none of whom allegedly spent as much as the Chinese woman. In a statement through her attorney, the woman identified as Mrs. Zhao admits giving $6.5 million to the foundation of William "Rick" Singer, the ring leader of the scam.

massive: adj. 大规模的
scandal: n. 丑闻
donation: n. 捐赠
scam: n. 骗局
prosecute: vt. 起诉
ensnare: vt. 诱惑
celebrity: n. 名人
allegedly: adv. 依其申述;据说,据称
attorney: n. 律师
identify: vt. 指认
ring leader: 元凶


  • felicityn. 快乐,幸福,幸运
  • attorneyn. (辩护)律师
  • donationn. 捐赠物,捐款,捐赠
  • prosecutevt. 对 ... 提起公诉,彻底进行,追捕,经营,从事
  • celebrityn. 名人,名誉,社会名流
  • scandaln. 丑闻,中伤,反感,耻辱
  • identifyvt. 识别,认明,鉴定 vi. 认同,感同身受
  • foundationn. 基础,根据,建立 n. 粉底霜,基金会
  • massiveadj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的
  • identifiedadj. 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 v. 鉴定(id