夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第656期:欧盟规定电动汽车配备噪音发出装置
日期:2019-07-12 07:52



New electric vehicles will have to feature a noise-emitting device, under an EU rule coming into force on Monday. It follows concerns that low-emission cars and vans are too quiet, putting pedestrians at risk because they cannot be heard as they approach. All new types of four-wheel electric vehicle must be fitted with the device, which sounds like a traditional engine.

feature: vt. 有某种特殊属性 n. 特点;特征
facial feature: 面部特征
feature story: (新闻)专题报道
noise-emitting: 发出噪声的
emit: vt. 发出
emission: n. 排放
greenhouse gas emission: 温室气体排放
carbon dioxide emission: 二氧气体排放
device: n. 装置
come into force:(法律)生效
putting sb. at risk: 使某人处于危险之中
pedestrian: n. 行人
approach: v. 接近,靠近
engine: n. 引擎


  • greenhousen. 温室,暖房
  • vehiclen. 车辆,交通工具,手段,工具,传播媒介
  • approachn. 接近; 途径,方法 v. 靠近,接近,动手处理
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • devicen. 装置,设计,策略,设备
  • emitvt. 发出,放射,吐露
  • pedestrianadj. 徒步的,缺乏想像的 n. 行人