夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第762期:演员高以翔不幸去世
日期:2019-12-11 16:02



In the early hours of Wednesday morning, actor and model Godfrey Gao collapsed midway through shooting an episode of the Chinese reality TV show “Chase Me.”
The star was rushed to a hospital in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, but medical staff were unable to revive him. At around 4 a.m., doctors confirmed the 35-year-old had passed away of “sudden cardiac arrest,” according to a statement released by the show’s management.

collapse vt.(因生病或虚弱)突然倒下,昏倒
shoot vt. 拍摄
· shoot questions at sb. 接连不断向某人提问
· shoot the breeze: 闲聊
revive vt. 救活,复活(bring someone back to life)
· 词根: viv 活,生存
· survive v. 生存
pass away: 去世(die)
cardiac adj. 心脏的
· 词根: card 心

