夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第812期:地外文明研究支持力度需加大
日期:2020-03-05 15:10



The head of one of the US's national observatories says the search for intelligent life elsewhere in the universe needs to be taken more seriously.
Dr Anthony Beasley told the BBC that there should be greater government support for a field that has been shunned by government research funders for decades.
His backing for the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (Seti) marks a sea change in attitudes to a field regarded until recently as fringe science.

head n. 首领,领导
• head of the state: 国家元首
• head teacher: 班主任(美);校长(英)
observatory n. 天文台,气象台
take vt. 用某种具体的方式去思考或理解
(understand or think about in a certain way)
• Don’t take it personally.
field n. 领域
shun vt. 刻意避开(avoid)
backing n. 支持;资助(support)
terrestrial adj. 陆地的,陆生的
sea change in…: ……巨大转变
(a very big change in something)

