夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第604期:复联4导演乞求不要剧透
日期:2019-05-01 07:54



The directors of the latest Avengers film have pleaded with fans not to reveal plot details after some footage and images reportedly leaked online. In their letter to "the greatest fans in the world", the Russos said they had worked "tirelessly" to deliver "a surprising and emotionally powerful conclusion to the Infinity Saga". "Remember, Thanos still demands your silence," they continued — a reference to the film's main villain, a genocidal warlord played by Josh Brolin.

plead with sb.: 恳求某人
leak: vt. 泄露
leak sth. to sb.: 把某事泄露给某人
tirelessly: adv. 不知疲倦地;不屈不挠地
deliver: vt. 发表;给出
deliver a conclusion: 给出一个结论
conclusion: n. 结论;结局
reference to: 谈到,提及
genocidal: adj. 种族灭绝的

